These are the AFS commands I have to deal from time to time but tend to forget them.

Display quota, size and additional information:

% fs listquota
Volume Name                    Quota       Used %Used   Partition
user.larry                   1000000      34187    3%         24%

To display quota, current size, and more partition information:

% fs examine /afs/
Volume status for vid = 538685364 named user.uninv.larry
Current disk quota is 1000000
Current blocks used are 34187
The partition has 201592443 blocks available out of 263988580

Source AFS Documentation

List AFS ACL's for current directory

user@host ~ % fs la .
Access list for . is
Normal rights:
  system:administrators rlidwka
  system:anyuser l
  user rlidwka

List AFS ACL's for ~/public_html directory

fs la ~/public_html
Access list for /afs/ is
Normal rights:
  system:administrators rlidwka
  system:anyuser l
  user rlidwka

Source AFS Documentation