Rule 11

Some people that are working in the networking sector (telecommunication, IP networking, telephony etc. ) write interesting blogs. Most blogs are named after network specific terms. To name a few

  • ioshints, ipspace (Ivan Papelnjak)
  • packetlife (Jeremy Stretch)
  • daisy chain with a floating static route

After reading the name of the blog most of us know from the start on, this has to be someone who is writing articles specifically about IP networking.

However there is one specific blog name where I did not find out what is the meaning of the blog name. Also how is it related to networking. The blog is written by Russ White and the name of the blog is Rule 11 Now after reading this you will ask yourself what does this mean? Which rule? Why eleven? To be honest it took me a long time of passive thinking last years, not all the time, but each time I read a article on that particular blog. I would not ask the blog owner also did not research what that meant, it just was there and eventually I thought I will find it out by myself.

Today I finally found out the meaning of rule 11, or at least I imagine I found it out. At least it makes now sense to me, and it is set in the right perspective to match a network specific term. Rule 11 is the number of the 11-th paragraph in the RFC 1925 which says

(11) Every old idea will be proposed again with a different name and
         a different presentation, regardless of whether it works.

Rule 11 is a great name for a network blog which is not self explanatory. I like it very much, now even more after I finally found a interpretation that makes a sense to myself and sets it in the right context.