Prevent autosuspend mouse after 5 seconsds

Since long time my personal workstations and laptops suspended the mouse cursor after 3-5 seconds. To use a mouse again one of the mouse buttons had to be pressed. It was particulary annoying if working for a longer time with the keyboard then needed to use the mouse. This behaviour was not WM or DE specific, it has been observed on different distributions. The reason for this behaviour was that a particular package called laptop-mode-tools has been disabling the usbhid per default. The default setting caused the mouse to suspend.

To prevent sleeping usb mouse following entry has to added in the file /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/runtime-pm.conf


Or if having a specific DEVID it can be added like


Then the service needs to be restarted

/etc/init.d/laptop_mode restart

Finally pull and plug in the USB mouse and from now on the mouse should not be suspended.

SCP from IOS NXOS bootflash

If backing up files from a bootflash on a NX-OS or IOS device it is possible to copy a file located an bootflash to a local server system. Pulling files from routers bootflash to server directory:


user % scp username@nx-os-switch:license.tar .


user % scp username@ios-switch:file.txt .

Pushing files from routers bootflash to a server directory:


R1#copy running-config scp://username@server/directory/


R1#copy running-config scp://username@server/directory/