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Dipl.Math. Dr. Haiko Lüpsen
Statistik & Kurse

R-Funktionen zur Varianzanalyse

The following functions are provided by the author as R code for download. Available documentation:

Usage advices:

Name Funktion
check.sphere several tests for sphericity, including LR, Mauchly, several versions of John's test, Muirhead & Waternaud and compound symmetry
check.covar several tests for homogeneity of covariance matrices, including LR, Box M, Schott's T1, T2, T3, a Levene-like and a robust dispersion test
check.corr several tests for homogeneity of correlation matrices, including Jennrich, a Levene-like, Larntz & Perlman and a modified Box M test
box.f Box-F-test for heterogeneous variances (2-factorial anova)

Brown & Forsythe-F-test for heterogeneous variances (2-factorial anova)
includes functions: bf.f, bf2.f, bf.main, bf.orthog, bf.fratio
revised 3-2021
modified Brown & Forsythe-F-test for heterogeneous variances for 2-factorial split-plot designs
wj.anova Welch-James-anova for heterogeneous variances in between subject designs (2-factorial anova)
revised 4-2017

Welch-James-anova for heterogeneous covariance matrices in split plot designs (2-factorial anova)
revised 6-2016
box.andersen.f F-test for nonnormal distributed dependent variables (2-factorial anova)
boxm.test Box M Test of homogeneity of covariance matrices
ats.2 2-factorial analysis of variance using the procedure by Akritas, Arnold and Brunner
ats.3 3-factorial analysis of variance using the procedure by Akritas, Arnold and Brunner

factorial nonparametric analysis of variance (with and without repeated easurements) using either
- generalized Kruskal-Wallis- and Friedman-tests or
- the generalized van der Waerden procedure
- the Puri & Sen procedure (L statistic)
- the Puri & Sen procedure including inverse normal transformation
revised 6-2020

factorial nonparametric analysis of variance for between subjects designs using the ART-procedure
optional: a tranformation of the ranks into normal scores
revised 6-2016

factorial nonparametric analysis of variance for pure within subjects designs using the ART-procedure
optional: a tranformation of the ranks into normal scores
revised 6-2016

factorial nonparametric analysis of variance for mixed designs (split plot designs) using the ART-procedure
optional: a tranformation of the ranks into normal scores
revised 6-2016

several nonparametric 2-factorial anovas for split plot designs using the procedures by G. Koch
(without assuming spherecity of the covariance matrix)
revised 1-2017
GA and IGA adjustment parameters for the parametric F tests of the repeated measurement effects in split-plot designs according to H. Huynh
2-factorial robust mixed anova for split plot designs based on the GA or IGA adjustment by H. Huynh
nonparametric anova for repeated measurement designs based on a nonparametric multivariate test by Agresti & Pendergast

parametric analysis of simple effects for between subject and mixed designs
Anova-like tests for GEE and GLMM models:
gee.anova - the classical Wald-test
gee.robanova - robust Wald-test according to Fan & Zhang

Haiko Lüpsen, 7.4.2021