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Erren TC, Piekarski C


Reiter RJ

Excessive light exposure: Endocrine influences particularly as they relate to cancer initiation and progression

Perkowitz S

The Physics of Light and Sunlight

Sauer KP

Heritable daylength-thresholds and the evolution of temporal orientation

Brainard GC

Ocular input for human melatonin regulation

Lerchl A

Light and biological rhythms

Reiter RJ

Light, melatonin and aging

Anisimov VN

The light-dark regimen and cancer development

Vollmer G

Endocrine modulation and the fragile balance of homeostasis

Portier CJ

Endocrine Dismodulation and Cancer

Scharffetter-Kochanek K

Mechanisms of skin cancer

Böni R

Epidemiology of skin cancer

Blask DE

Light during darkness, melatonin suppression and cancer progression

Stevens RG

Epidemiological Studies of Light and Breast Cancer

Stevens RG

Novel Mechanistic Research

Erren TC

Does light cause internal cancers? – The challenge to study an ubiquitous exposure epidemiologically

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