Giving Feedback - Week 10

(Optional face-to-face meeting on Monday at 5:30 PM for both KISD and University of Cologne students (for directions click here)

For those who do not come to the meeting:

This week is once again feedback week: By today (Monday June 21) you should be sending your text from last week to a new peer editor. You should also be getting a text from a different peer editor. You have until next Sunday to read and make corrections and comments on your peer's text that you receive.

When editing your peer's text give special consideration to the structure of your peer's text. Please use the reviewing tool in your word processor to make changes and give comments and do not forget to make a final comment summarizing your impressions. And of course, all comments you make and correspondences in e-mails should be in English. If you lose your peer's address, you can find it under the link "My List of Peers" on the PCS Homepage.

Have Fun!

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