Giving Feedback

This information is for the University of Cologne students. KISD students know about the exception this week.

Welcome to week two of the course. Since you all wrote a narrative text last week, this week you get the opportunity to send it to a peer to hear what they think about your story. So by Monday April 19th, you should request a peer editor (only ONE!) and send your text off.

You should also be receiving a text from a different person in your group. Please do not forget to reply briefly with "Got it." Both you and the person reading your text have until next Sunday to make corrections and comments on the text you receive. Please use the reviewing tool in your word processor to make changes and give comments. As I already mentioned don't worry about finding every mistake. Just look for the most obvious errors and if you are not sure - insert a question mark (and maybe a comment) so the writer can think about it. That is always better than making a false correction :-) And please do not forget to make a final comment (also in English) at the end of the text summarizing your impressions and then save it with your initials before sending it back to the writer. If you lose your peer's address, you can find it under the link "My List of Peers" on the PCS homepage.

When you get your text back, take a look at the corrections and remarks. You can then make changes to your text but it is a good idea to keep the one with the corrections so you can follow your progress as you go through the course.

Don't forget, your peers are eagerly awaiting your corrections and comments!

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