Getting Credit for the CourseWell, we have made it to the end of the semester. As I announced last week, everyone can miss one assignment so in the end you should have:
When you have that organized, you can 1) send me the files in an e-mail
or 2) print them out.
If you are sending me the files, please do so by Sunday July 11, 2010. You can then get your necessary annotation/signature for having participated in the course:
If you have sent me your portfolio by Sunday July 11, you do not need to bring your portfolios, you only need to bring your papers for me to sign. If you do not send me your texts please bring a hard copy of your texts. I hope you all enjoyed the course and were able to improve your writing
over the semester. We never stop having the need to learn more, so I hope
this gave you some incentive to continue writing and to share what you
have done with a friend or fellow student. Good luck to all of you and
much success in your studies and future careers. Yes, you can!