
Prof.Dr. Mathias Schäfer
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Mathias Schäfer Prof.Dr. Mathias Schäfer (FRSC)
Institut für Organische Chemie
Greinstraße 4
50939 Köln
Telefon: (0221) 470 - 3086
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SPECIAL: Neue Buchveröffentlichung
11/2019: Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry: How Do I Get the Best Results?
Jason Creasey, Anthony Gachanja, Imran Janmohamed, Steven Lancaster, Mathias Schäfer, Diane Turner
Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry: How Do I Get the Best Results?
Lehrbuch GC-MS RSC UK Synopsis
Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) is a powerful way to analyse a range of substances. It is used in everything from food safety to medicine. It has even been used to protect endangered vultures through analysis of poisonous pesticide molecules in their environment!
I want to apply this technique, where do I begin? Is GC-MS the right technique to use? How do I prepare my samples and calibrate the instruments? This textbook has the answers to all these questions and more.
Throughout the book, case studies illustrate the practical process, the techniques used and any common challenges. Newcomers can easily search for answers to their question and find clear advice with coloured images on how to get started and all subsequent steps involved in using GC-MS as part of a research process. Readers will find information on collecting and preparing samples, designing and validating methods, analysing results, and troubleshooting. Examples of pollutant, food, oil and fragrance analysis bring the theory to life.
The authors use their extensive experience teaching GC-MS theory and practice and draw on their combined backgrounds applying the technique in academic and industry settings to bring this practical reference together. The authors also design and teach the Royal Society of Chemistry's Pan Africa Chemistry Network GC-MS course, which is supported by GSK GlaxoSmithKline.
  • Table of contents
    - Introduction
    - Sample collection and preparation: How do I get my sample ready for GC-MS analysis?
    - Sample injection: How do I introduce my samples into the GC column?
    - Chromatographic separation
    - Ion Detection System: How do I detect by samples?
    - Mass Spectrometry
    - What is Qualitative Analysis and how do I perform it?
    - Quantitation: How much of my analytes are in my samples, which I injected on to the GC-MS?
    - Maintenance and Troubleshooting
    - Conclusion
  • Publication details
    - Paperback 300 pages, numerous pictures & illustrations
    - Expected Publication date: 27 Nov 2019
    - Price: 37.99 GBP, 53.00 USD, 49.00 EUR
    - Print ISBN: 978-1-78262-928-3
    - EPUB eISBN: 978-1-83916-004-2
    - All information is subject to change without notice.
    - Royal Society Of Chemistry © 2019-2020
  • Further Information
    - Order your personal copy @ RSC bookshop
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    - Visit the homepage of RSC Royal Society of Chemistry

SPECIAL: Buchveröffentlichung
08/2012: Neuauflage "Massenspektrometrie - Eine Einführung"
Herbert Budzikiewicz & Mathias Schäfer
Massenspektrometrie - Eine Einführung
MS Lehrbuch Wiley-VCH Die nun schon 6. Auflage dieser bewährten Einführung vermittelt den Nutzern nicht nur die Grundlagen der Massenspektrometrie, sondern trägt auch den rasanten Weiterentwicklungen der letzten Jahre Rechnung. Neben apparativen Entwicklungen werden auch inzwischen etablierte Methoden und neue Anwendungsfelder der Umwelt-, Doping-, Lebensmittel- und Proteomics-Analytik erläutert und mit Beispielen illustriert. Zudem wird die Auswertung von Massenspektren und die Interpretation der Daten erklärt.
  • Teil I: Grundlagen
    - Terminologie
    - Apparative Grundlagen
    - Ionenarten
  • Teil II: Auswertung von Massenspektren
    - Bestimmung von Molekülmasse und Elementarzusammensetzung
    - Isotopenanalyse
    - Quantitative und Qualitative Analyse von Gemischen
    - Bindungsarten und thermodynamische Daten aus IP- und AP-Messungen
    - Interpretation der Fragmentierungsmuster organischer Verbindungen
    - Besprechung einzelner Verbindungsklassen
    - Beispiele aus dem Naturstoffbereich
    - Stereochemische Probleme
6. vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage
Lehrbuch, Juli 2012, 222 Seiten, 100 Abbildungen, Softcover
ISBN 978-3-527-32911-3 © Wiley-VCH Weinheim, Preis: 39,90 EUR
Weitere Informationen zur aktuellen Ausgabe @ Wiley-VCH

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2024   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Mathias Schäfer, Giel Berden, Jonathan Martens, Jos Oomens, Hui-Chung Wen, Wacharee Harnying, Albrecht Berkessel, Jana Roithová, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer
Curtius and Wolff Rearrangement Reactions investigated by Tandem-MS, IR Ion Spectroscopy (IRIS) and Theory.
International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2024, 17.08. - 23.08.2024, Melbourne, Australia.

Thiemo Arndt, Martin Breugst, Mathias Schäfer, Dietmar Kuck
Unidirectional Triple-Hydrogen Rearrangement: Mechanism of an Intramolecular Redox Reaction.
40th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry IMMS, 12.05. - 15.05.2024, Budapest, Hungary.

Marcel Bast, Julian Böing, Eline Plaar, Thomas Salomon, Mathias Schäfer, Igor Savic, Oskar Asvany, Stephan Schlemmer, Sven Thorwirth
Rotational Spectroscopy of NCCO+.
77th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, 17.06. - 21.06.2024, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.

Leon Hünemeyer, Alessio di Ianni, Luisa Schmidt, Andrea Sinz, Markus Krüger, Mathias Schäfer
New CID cleavable cross-linkers suitable for IMAC enrichment and structure elucidation of proteins via MS.
55th Annual Conference of the DGMS, 10.03. - 13.03.2024, Freising, Bavaria, Germany.

Hui-Chung Wen, Felicitas Wagener, Thomas Piper, Jörg Neudörfl, Mario Thevis, Mathias Schäfer
Investigation Structures of In Vitro and In Vivo Metabolites of a Novel 20-Keto-Steroid S42 by LC/GC-MS Analysis and Organic Synthesis.
55th Annual Conference of the DGMS, 10.03. - 13.03.2024, Freising, Bavaria, Germany.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2023   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Mathias Paul, Thomas Thomulka, Wacharee Harnying, Jörg-Martin Neudörfl, Charlie R. Adams, Jonathan Martens, Giel Berden, Jos Oomens, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Albrecht Berkessel and Mathias Schäfer
Hydrogen Bonding Shuts Down Tunneling in Hydroxycarbenes: A Gas-Phase Study by Tandem-Mass Spectrometry, Infrared Ion Spectroscopy and Theory.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145 (2023) 12124-12135.
Available at ACS Publications © 2023 American Chemical Society

Hui-Chung Wen, Felicitas Wagener, Jörg Neudörfl, Mario Thevis, Mathias Schäfer
Investigation Phase I Metabolism of a NEW 20-Keto-Steroid S42 by C-6 Oxidation and GC-MS Analysis.
54th Annual Conference of the DGMS, 14.05. – 17.05.2023, Dortmund, Germany

Leon Huenemeyer, Andrea Sinz, Mathias Schäfer
New CID cleavable cross-linkers suitable for IMAC enrichment and structure elucidation of proteins via MS.
54th Annual Conference of the DGMS, 14.05. – 17.05.2023, Dortmund, Germany

Mathias Paul, Thomas Thomulka, Wacharee Harnying, Jörg Neudörfl, Charlie Adams, Jonathan Martens, Giel Berden, Jos Oomens, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Albrecht Berkessel, Mathias Schäfer
C:...H-C Hydrogen Bonding Shuts Down H-Tunneling in Hydroxycarbenes: A Gas-Phase Study by Tandem-MS, IR Ion Spectroscopy, and Theory.
Faraday joint interest group conference, 03.04. - 05.04.2023, University Sheffield, United Kingdom

Mathias Paul, Thomas Thomulka, Wacharee Harnying, Jörg Neudörfl, Charlie Adams, Jonathan Martens, Giel Berden, Jos Oomens, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Albrecht Berkessel, Mathias Schäfer
C:...H-C Hydrogen Bonding Shuts Down H-Tunneling in Hydroxycarbenes: A Gas-Phase Study by Tandem-MS, IR Ion Spectroscopy, and Theory.
Gaseous Ions: Structures, Energetics and Reactions, GRC Gordon Research Conferences, 19.02. – 24.02.2023, Ventura, CA, United States

Marcel Bast, Julian Boing, Thomas Salomon, Oskar Asvany, Igor Savic, Sandra Brünken, Mathias Schäfer, Sven Thorwirth, Stephan Schlemmer
Leak-Out Spectroscopy of the C-C streching modes of C3H+, NCCO+ and HC3O+.
76th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, 19.06. - 23.06.2023, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, United States

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2022   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Dennis Zeh, Marcel Bast, Jonathan Martens, Giel Berden, Jos Oomens, Sandra Brünken, Stefan Schlemmer, Mathias Schäfer, Dietmar Kuck
Unidirectional Double and Triple Hydrogen Rearrangement Reactions Probed by Infrared Ion Spectroscopy.
Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, 2022, online.
Available at ACS Publications © 2022 JASMS

Hui-Chung Wen, Tobias Wilczek, Hans-Günther Schmalz, Mario Thevis, Mathias Schäfer
GC-MS Analysis of a new 20-Keto-Steroid S42.
IMSC 2022, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 27th August - 2nd September.

Dennis Zeh, Marcel Bast, Jonathan Martens, Giel Berden, Jos Oomens, Sandra Brünken, Stefan Schlemmer, Dietmar Kuck, Mathias Schäfer
Unidirectional Double and Triple Hydrogen Rearrangement Reactions Probed by Infrared Ion Spectroscopy.
IMSC 2022, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 27th August - 2nd September.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2021   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Brandon C.Stevenson, Katrin Peckelsen, Jonathan Martens, Giel Berden, Jos Oomens, Mathias Schäfer and P.B.Armentrout
An Investigation of Inter-Ligand Coordination and Flexibility: IRMPD Spectroscopic and Theoretical Evaluation of Calcium and Nickel Histidine Dimers.
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 381 (2021) 111532.
Available at ScienceDirect © 2021 Elsevier B.V.

Dennis Zeh, Marcel Bast, Daniel B. Rap, Philipp C. Schmid, Sven Thorwirth, Sandra Brünken, Stephan Schlemmer, Mathias Schäfer
Cryogenic Messenger-IR Ion Spectroscopy study of phenol & aniline molecular ions and of the common fragment ion [C5H6]•+ formed by EI-MS.
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 378 (2021) 111453.
Available at ScienceDirect © 2021 Elsevier B.V.

ACS Catalysis Vol.11 (2021) Hauke Engler, Markus Lansing, Christopher Gordon, Jörg-Martin Neudörfl, Mathias Schäfer, Nils Schlörer, Christophe Coperet, Albrecht Berkessel
Olefin Epoxidation Catalyzed by Titanium-salalen Complexes: Synergistic H2O2 Activation by Dinuclear Ti-Sites, Ligand H-Bonding and Acidity.
ACS Catalysis © 2021 ACS Publications, Vol.11 (2021) 3206-3217.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2020   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Chemistry 2020 - A European Journal - VIP Breslow Intermediates Mathias Paul, Katrin Peckelsen, Thomas Thomulka, Jonathan Martens, Giel Berden, Jos Oomens, Jörg Neudörfl, Martin Breugst, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Mathias Schäfer and Albrecht Berkessel
Breslow Intermediates (Amino Enols) and their Keto Tautomers: First Gas-Phase Characterization by IR Ion Spectroscopy.
Chemistry - A European Journal, Wiley-VCH © 2020, online, open access.
Chemistry - A European Journal, Wiley-VCH © 2020, VIP (very important paper) cover picture.
Chemistry - A European Journal, Wiley-VCH © 2020, VIP (very important paper) full paper.

Mathias Schäfer
Carbene Chemistry in the Gas Phase: H-tunneling of hydroxycarbenes and intramolecular C...H-C interactions studied by IR ion spectroscopy, Tandem-MS and Theory.
CHAINS 2020, nwochains.nl, 08.12. - 09.12.2020. Invited Talk.

Christian Ihling, Patrizia Springorum, Claudio Iacobucci, Christoph Hage, Michael Goetze, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
The Isotope-Labeled, MS-Cleavable Cross-Linker Disuccinimidyl Dibutyric Urea (DSBU) for Improved Cross-Linking/Mass Spectrometry Studies.
Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, 31 (2020) 183-189.

Mathias Schäfer, Anthony Meijer, Thomas Thomulka, Katrin Peckelsen, Mathias Paul, Albrecht Berkessel, Jos Oomens, Giel Berden, Jonathan Martens
Hydrogen Tunneling in the gas phase investigated by MS, IR Ion Spectroscopy, and theory: first and latest results.
53. DGMS Jahrestagung 2020, 01.03. - 04.03.2020, Münster, Germany. Keynote Lecture.

Dennis Zeh, Marcel Bast, Sven Thorwirth, Daniel Rap, Jörg Neudörfl, Aimee Camidiade, Dietmar Kuck, Sandra Brünken, Stefan Schlemmer, Mathias Schäfer
Mechanistic Investigations of Unidirectional Hydrogen Rearrangement Reactions in EI-MS.
53. DGMS Jahrestagung 2020, 01.03. - 04.03.2020, Münster, Germany.

Mathias Schäfer, Patrick Esch, Moritz Fischer, Sven Heiles
New chemical cross-linkers for Protein Structure Elucidation with switchable properties: stable upon Collision Induced Dissociation and cleavable by In-Source Paterno-Büchi Reactions
53. DGMS Jahrestagung 2020, 01.03. - 04.03.2020, Münster, Germany.

Mathias Schäfer, Mathias Paul, Eric Detmar, Maria Schlangen, Martin Breugst, Jörg-Martin Neudörfl, Helmut Schwarz, Albrecht Berkessel
N-Heterocyclic Carbene (NHC) Dimerization in the Gas Phase: C-H...:C Hydrogen Bonding vs. Covalent Dimer Formation.
Asia Oceania Mass Spectrometry Conference (AOMSC 2020), 05.01. - 07.01.2020, University of Macau, China. Invited Talk.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2019   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Patrick Esch, Moritz Fischer, Sven Heiles and Mathias Schäfer
Olefinic reagents tested for peptide derivatization with switchable properties: stable upon Collision Induced Dissociation and cleavable by In-Source Paterno-Büchi Reactions.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 54 (2019), 976–986.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Mathias Paul, Katrin Peckelsen, Thomas Thomulka, Jörg Neudörfl, Jonathan Martens, Giel Berden, Jos Oomens, Albrecht Berkessel, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Mathias Schäfer
Hydrogen Tunneling Avoided: Enol-Formation From a Charge-tagged Phenyl Pyruvic Acid Derivative Evidenced by Tandem-MS, IR Ion Spectroscopy and Theory.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21 (2019) 16591-16600.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Mathias Paul, Eric Detmar, Maria Schlangen, Martin Breugst, Jörg-Martin Neudörfl, Helmut Schwarz, Albrecht Berkessel, Mathias Schäfer
Intermediates of N-Heterocyclic Carbene (NHC) Dimerization Probed in the Gas Phase by Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry: C-H...:C Hydrogen Bonding vs. Covalent Dimer Formation.
Chemistry A European Journal 25 (2019) 2511 – 2518.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Claudio Iacobucci, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
Free Radical-Initiated Peptide Sequencing (FRIPS)-Based Cross-linkers for Improved Peptide and Protein Structure Analysis.
Mass Spectrometry Reviews 38 (2019) 187–201.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Mathias Schäfer, Thomas Thomulka, Katrin Peckelsen, Mathias Paul, Jonathan Martens, Jos Oomens, Giel Berden, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Albrecht Berkessel
Intramolecular C...H-C interactions can switch off H-tunneling reactivity of hydroxycarbenes; A gas-phase study by IR ion spectroscopy.
Gordon Research Conference: From Small Atomic to Large Biomolecular Ions in Isolation, February 17 - 22, 2019, Ventura Beach, CA, USA.
Gordon Research Conference

Mathias Schäfer, Mathias Paul, Eric Detmar, Maria Schlangen, Martin Breugst, Jörg-Martin Neudörfl, Helmut Schwarz, Albrecht Berkessel
N-Heterocyclic Carbene (NHC) Dimerization in the Gas Phase: C-H...:C Hydrogen Bonding vs. Covalent Dimer Formation.
52. DGMS Jahrestagung 2019 in Rostock, 10.03. - 13.03.2019.
DGMS Jahrestagung 2019

Mathias Schäfer, Mathias Paul, Katrin Peckelsen, Jonathan Martens, Giel Berden, Jos Oomens, Albrecht Berkessel, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer
Hydrogen Tunneling avoided: Formation of Enol Tautomers from a Charge-tagged Phenyl Pyruvic Acid Derivative Evidenced by Tandem-MS, IR Ion Spectroscopy and Theory.
RSC Faraday Discussion Advances in Ion Spectroscopy - From Astrophysics to Biology, York, UK, 08.04. - 10.04.2019.
Royal Society of Chemistry

Mathias Schäfer
MS Fundamentals and Instrumentation.
Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, 3rd Edition, (2019) 358-365, Elsevier Ltd. © 2019.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2018   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Andrea Sinz, Claudio Iacobucci, Michael Götze, Christoph Hage, Christian Arlt, Christian Ihling, Rico Schmidt, Christine Piotrowski, Mathias Schäfer
A Cross-linking/Mass Spectrometry Workflow Based on MS-Cleavable Cross-Linkers and the MeroX Software for Studying Protein Structures and Protein-Protein Interactions.
Nature Protocols 13 (2018) 2864–2889.

Adam Wutkowski, Matthias Krajewski, Navratan Bagwan, Mathias Schäfer, Bhesh R. Paudyal, Ulrich E. Schaible, Dominik Schwudke
Dedicated Approach for Software-Aided Quality Control of Liquid Chromatography-High-Resolution Tandem Mass Spectrometry Quantitation of Lipid Mediators.
Analytica Chimica Acta 1037 (2018) 168-176.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Mathias Schäfer, Katrin Peckelsen, Mathias Paul, Jonathan Martens, Jos Oomens, Giel Berden, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Albrecht Berkessel
Characterization of the Key Intermediates of Carbene-Catalyzed Umpolung: Breslow Intermediates vs. Keto Tautomers.
IBBI Conference, 4-2018, Texel, NL.

Katrin Peckelsen, Mathias Paul, Martin Breugst, Jonathan Martens, Giel Berden, Jos Oomens, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Albrecht Berkessel, Mathias Schäfer
IR Ion Spectroscopy of Key Intermediates of Carbene-Catalyzed Umpolung: Breslow Intermediates vs. Keto Tautomers.
51. Jahrestagung der DGMS & European Mass Spectrometry Meeting, 11.03.-15.03.2018, Saarbrücken.

Mathias Schäfer, Katrin Peckelsen, Mathias Paul, Jonathan Martens, Jos Oomens, Giel Berden, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Albrecht Berkessel
Structure and Reactivity of Gas-Phase Phenylhydroxy¬carbenes: Hydrogen Tunneling at Room Temperature.
51. Jahrestagung der DGMS & European Mass Spectrometry Meeting, 11.03.-15.03.2018, Saarbrücken.

Mathias Schäfer, Katrin Peckelsen, Mathias Paul, Jonathan Martens, Jos Oomens, Giel Berden, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Albrecht Berkessel
Intramolecular C...H-C interactions can switch off H-tunneling reactivity of hydroxycarbenes.
A gas-phase study by IR ion spectroscopy, ASMS Meeting, 6-2018, San Diego, CA, USA.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2017   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Christopher Stoffels, Mhmd Oumari, Aris Perrou, Andreas Termath, Waldemar Schlundt, Hans-Günther Schmalz, Mathias Schäfer, Sabine Metzger, Vera Wewer, Edgar Schömig, Dirk Gründemann
Ergothioneine stands out from hercynine in the reaction with singlet oxygen: resistance to glutathione and TRIS in the generation of specific products indicates high reactivity.
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 113 (2017) 385-394.

Katrin Peckelsen, Jonathan Martens, Lisa Czympiel, Jos Oomens, Giel Berden, Dirk Gründemann, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Mathias Schäfer
Ergothioneine and related Histidine Derivatives in the Gas Phase: Tautomer Structures determined by IRMPD Spectroscopy and Theory.
Bi-annual user meeting of the FELIX laboratory of Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL, 01.11. - 03.11.2017.

Katrin Peckelsen, Jonathan Martens, Lisa Czympiel, Jos Oomens, Giel Berden, Dirk Gründemann, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Mathias Schäfer
Ergothioneine and related Histidine Derivatives in the Gas Phase: Tautomer Structures determined by IRMPD Spectroscopy and Theory.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (2017) 23362 - 23372.

Claudio Iacobucci, Christoph Hage, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
A Novel MS-Cleavable Azo Cross-Linker for Peptide Structure Analysis by Free Radical Initiated Peptide Sequencing (FRIPS).
Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, 28 (2017) 2039-2053.

Christoph Hage, Francesco Falvo, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
Novel Concepts of MS-Cleavable Cross-linkers for Improved Peptide Structure Analysis.
Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, 28 (2017) 2022–2038.

Cover JACS Issue 18 Mathias Schäfer, Katrin Peckelsen, Mathias Paul, Jonathan Martens, Jos Oomens, Giel Berden, Albrecht Berkessel, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer
Hydrogen Tunneling Above Room Temperature: A Gas-Phase Study of Phenylhydroxycarbene.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (2017) 5779-5786.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (2017) 6277–6277 Spotlights on Recent JACS Publications.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (2017) 5779 Cover of JACS Issue 18 (enlarged).
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Christian Arlt, Vanessa Flegler, Christian H. Ihling, Mathias Schäfer, Iris Thondorf, Andrea Sinz
Structure of Full-Length Wild-Type Tetrameric p53 Tumor Suppressor Probed by an Integrated Mass Spectrometry-Based Approach.
Angewandte Chemie 56 (2017) 275–279.

Christoph Hage, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
Dissociation Behavior of a TEMPO-Active Ester Cross-linker for Peptide Structure Analysis by Free Radical Initiated Peptide Sequencing (FRIPS) in Negative ESI-MS.
Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, 28 (2017) 56-68.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

K. Peckelsen, J. Martens, G. Berden, J. Oomens, R.C. Dunbar, A.J.H.M. Meijer, M. Schäfer
Gas-Phase Complexes of Ni(II) and Ca(II) with Deprotonated Histidylhistidine: A Model Case for Polyhistidyl-Metal Binding Motifs.
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 332 (2017) 38-44.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Christian Arlt, Michael Götze, Christian Ihling, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
An Integrated Workflow for Structural Proteomics Studies based on Cross-linking/Mass Spectrometry with an MS/MS Cleavable Cross-linker.
50. Jahrestagung der DGMS, 05.03. - 08.03.2017, Kiel.

Adam Wutkowski, Navratan Bagwan, Matthias Krajewski, Bhesh Raj, Paudyal, Ulrich E. Schaible, Mathias Schäfer, Dominik Schwudke
Software platform to improve the quality control of Lipid mediator quantification.
50. Jahrestagung der DGMS, 05.03. - 08.03.2017, Kiel.

Christoph Hage, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
Dissociation behavior of a TEMPO-benzyl cross-linker for peptide structure analysis by free radical initiated peptide sequencing (FRIPS) in negative ESI-MS.
50. Jahrestagung der DGMS, 05.03. - 08.03.2017, Kiel.

Moritz Fischer, Christoph Hage, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
Synthesis of Isotope-Labeled Derivatives of the MS/MS-Cleavable Urea-Cross-Linker: Synthesis and Evaluation of Reactivity for Effective Protein Structure Analysis.
50. Jahrestagung der DGMS, 05.03. - 08.03.2017, Kiel.

Mathias Schäfer, Katrin Peckelsen, Mathias Paul, Jonathan Martens, Jos Oomens, Giel Berden, Albrecht Berkessel, Anthony J. H. M. Meijer
Structure and Reactivity of Gas-Phase Phenylhydroxycarbenes: Hydrogen Tunneling at Room Temperature.
Gordon Research Conference on Gaseous Ions: Structures, Energetics & Reactions, February 12-17, 2017, Ventura, CA, USA.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2016   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Christian Arlt, Michael Götze, Christian H. Ihling, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
An Integrated Workflow for Structural Proteomics Studies based on Cross-linking/Mass Spectrometry with an MS/MS Cleavable Cross-linker
Analytical Chemistry 88 (2016) 7930-7937.

Mathias Schäfer
Structure and Reactivity of Phenyl-Hydroxycarbene studied in the Gas Phase: Hydrogen Tunneling at Room Temperature.
Invited talk for International Mass Spectrometry Society Meeting IMSC 2016, 20.08. - 26.08.2016, Toronto, Canada.

Rebecca Beveridge, Zsuzsanna Orbán-Németh, Mathias Schäfer, Jan-Michael Peters, Karl Mechtler
Assessing a CID-cleavable cross-linker "BuUrBu" and subsequent data analysis strategies.
64th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and allied Topics, 05.06. - 09.06.2016, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Christoph Hage, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
Dissociation Behavior of a TEMPO-Active Ester Cross-linker for Peptide Structure Analysis by Free Radical Initiated Peptide Sequencing (FRIPS) in Negative ESI-MS.
Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, 27 (2016), accepted.

Christian Arlt, Michael Götze, Christian H. Ihling, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
An Integrated Workflow for Analysis of Proteins and Protein Complexes based on Cross-linking Mass Spectrometry with an MS/MS Cleavable Cross-linker.
64th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, 05.06. bis 09.06.2016, San Antonio, TX, USA.

Michael Götze, Jens Pettelkau, Christian Ihling, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
Efficient Identification of Cross-Linked Peptides with StavroX and MeroX in Structural Proteomics.
49. Jahrestagung der DGMS, 28.02. bis 02.03.2016, Hamburg, Germany.

Christoph Hage, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
Dissociation behavior of a bifunctional TEMPO-benzyl active ester used for peptide structure analysis by free radical initiated peptide sequencing (FRIPS) mass spectrometry in negative ESI-MS.
49. Jahrestagung der DGMS, 28.02. bis 02.03.2016, Hamburg, Germany.

Moritz Fischer, Andrea Sinz, Mathias Schäfer
Synthesis of Less Hydrophobic Derivatives of MS/MS-Cleavable Cross-Linkers: Synthesis and Evaluation of Reactivity for Effective Protein Structure Analysis.
49. Jahrestagung der DGMS, 28.02. bis 02.03.2016, Hamburg, Germany.

Katrin Peckelsen, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Jos Oomens, Giel Berden, Jonathan Martens, Rob C. Dunbar, Mathias Schäfer
Examination of Gas-phase Cationic Ions of Histidine Complexes via Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation (IRMPD) Spectroscopy.
49. Jahrestagung der DGMS, 28.02. bis 02.03.2016, Hamburg, Germany.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2015   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Mathias Schäfer
Dissociation Behavior of a Bifunctional TEMPO-Active Ester Reagent for Peptide Structure Analysis by Free Radical Initiated Peptide Sequencing (FRIPS) Mass Spectrometry
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS, 01.03.-04.03.2015, Wuppertal, Germany.

Christian Ihling, Michael Götze, Jens Pettelkau, Romy Fritzsche, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
Automated Assignment of MS/MS Cleavable Cross-Links in Protein 3D-Structure Analysis.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS, 01.03.-04.03.2015, Wuppertal, Germany.

Lukas Fiebig, Joseph Held, Hans-Günther Schmalz, Mathias Schäfer
Individual steps of the Mizoroki-Heck Reaction studied in the Gas-Phase: Kinetics and Substituent Effects reveal the Intrinsic Reactivity of Intermediate Organopalladium Complexes.
European Journal of Mass Spectrometry 21 (2015) 623-633.

Christian Ihling, Francesco Falvo, Isabel Kratochvil, Andrea Sinz, Mathias Schäfer
Dissociation Behavior of a Bifunctional TEMPO-Active Ester Reagent for Peptide Structure Analysis by Free Radical Initiated Peptide Sequencing (FRIPS) Mass Spectrometry.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 50 (2015) 396-406.

Lisa Czympiel, Johannes Pfrommer, Wieland Tyrra, Mathias Schäfer, Sanjay Mathur
Ligand-modulated chemical and structural implications in four-, five- and six-coordinated aluminum heteroaryl-alkenolates.
Inorganic Chemistry 54 (2015) 25-37.

Ran Wang, Bo Yang, R.R. Wu, Mary T. Rodgers, Mathias Schäfer, Peter B. Armentrout
Guided Ion Beam and Computational Studies of the Decomposition of a Model Thiourea Protein Cross-Linker.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119 (2015) 3727-3742.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Michael Götze, Jens Pettelkau, Romy Fritzsche, Christian H. Ihling, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
Automated Assignment of MS/MS Cleavable Cross-Links in Protein 3D-Structure Analysis.
Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, 26 (2015) 83-97.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2014   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Mareike C. Holland, Giel Berden, Jos Oomens, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Mathias Schäfer, Ryan Gilmour
Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation (IRMPD) Spectroscopic Analysis of Non-Covalent Interactions in Organocatalysis.
European Journal of Organic Chemistry (2014) 5675-5680.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Lukas Fiebig, Nils Schlörer, Hans-Günther Schmalz, Mathias Schäfer
Aryl-phenyl Scrambling in intermediate organopalladium complexes. A gas-phase study of the Mizoroki-Heck reaction.
Chemistry - A European Journal 20 (2014) 4906-4910.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Mathias Schäfer, Lukas Fiebig, Nils Schlörer, Hans-Günther Schmalz
Gas-phase Carbopalladation of Olefines with or without Ar/Ph Scrambling: An Investigation of Intermediate Phosphine Aryl Palladium Complex Ions.
62th ASMS Conference, 15.06.-19.06.2014, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Mathias Schäfer, Lukas Fiebig, Nils Schlörer, Hans-Günther Schmalz
Aryl-phenyl scrambling in intermediate organopalladium complexes. A gas-phase study of the Mizoroki-Heck reaction.
Bunsentagung: Gas Phase Model Systems for Catalysis, 06.04.-09.04.2014, Universität Ulm, Germany.

Mathias Schäfer
Homogeneous transition metal catalysis investigated in the gas phase: mechanistic studies of the Mizoroki-Heck coupling and the regioselective Diels-Alder reaction.
Indian Society of Mass Spectrometry, ISMAS 28th Symposium cum Workshop on Mass Spectrometry, 09.03.-14.03.2014, Parwanoo, Himachal Pradesh, India.

Francesco Falvo, Lukas Fiebig, Mathias Schäfer
Presentation of a homobifunctional azo-reagent for protein structure analysis by collision-induced dissociative chemical cross-linking (XL): Proof-of-Principle.
47. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS, 02.03.-05.03.2014, Frankfurt, Germany.

Christian Ihling, Francesco Falvo, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
Evaluating the Potential of a MS/MS-Cleavable Cross-Linker for 3D-Structure Analysis of Protein Complexes.
47. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS, 02.03.-05.03.2014, Frankfurt, Germany.

Lukas Fiebig, Nils Schlörer, Hans-Günther Schmalz, Mathias Schäfer
Aryl-phenyl scrambling in intermediate organopalladium complexes. A gas-phase study of the Mizoroki-Heck reaction.
47. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS, 02.03.-05.03.2014, Frankfurt, Germany.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2013   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Mathias Schäfer, Francesco Falvo, Lukas Fiebig
Presentation of a homobifunctional azo-reagent for protein structure analysis by collision-induced dissociative chemical cross-linking: Proof-of-principle.
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 354-355 (2013) 26-32.
Article online @ ELSEVIER Science Direct

Lukas Fiebig, Julian Kuttner, Gerhard Hilt, Martin C. Schwarzer, Gernot Frenking, Hans-Günther Schmalz and Mathias Schäfer
Cobalt Catalysis in the Gas Phase: Experimental Characterization of Cobalt(I) Complexes as Intermediates in Regioselective Diels-Alder Reactions.
Journal of Organic Chemistry 78 (2013) 10485-10493.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Lukas Fiebig, Julian Kuttner, Gerhard Hilt, Martin C. Schwarzer, Gernot Frenking, Hans-Günther Schmalz, Mathias Schäfer
Experimental Evidence and Characterization of Cobalt(I) Complexes important in regio-selective Diels-Alder Reactions. A Gas Phase Study.
HPLC MS 2013, 16.06. - 20.06.2013, Amsterdam, NL.

Jens Pettelkau, Romy Fritzsche, Christian Ihling, Mathias Q. Müller, Frank Dreiocker, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
Evaluating the Potential of an MS/MS-Cleavable Cross-Linker for 3D-Structure Analysis of Protein Complexes.
61st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, 09.06. - 13.06.2013, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

Lukas Fiebig, Julian Kuttner, Gerhard Hilt, Martin C. Schwarzer, Gernot Frenking, Hans-Günther Schmalz, Mathias Schäfer
Experimental Evidence and Characterization of Cobalt(I) Complexes important in regio-selective Diels-Alder Reactions. A Gas Phase Study.
61st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, 09.06. - 13.06.2013, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

Evan T. Brower, Sandra B. Gabelli, Qing Wang, Raghothama Chaerkady, Christopher E. Berndsen, Robert N. Cole, Jonathan M. Backer, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz, Kenneth W. Kinzler, Bert Vogelstein, L. Mario Amzel
The molecular architecture of p85a as determined by SAXS and chemical cross-linking.
Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research AACR, 06.04. - 10.04.2013, Washington, DC, USA.

Lukas Fiebig, Julian Kuttner, Gerhard Hilt, Martin C. Schwarzer, Gernot Frenking, Hans-Günther Schmalz, Mathias Schäfer
Experimental Evidence and Characterization of Cobalt(I) Complexes important in regio-selective Diels-Alder Reactions. A Gas Phase Study.
46. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS, 10.-13. März 2013, Berlin, Germany.

Francesco Falvo, Romy Fritzsche, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
A tandem MS study of peptides derivatized with a thiourea-reagent designed for chemical cross-linking.
46. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS, 10.-13. März 2013, Berlin, Germany.

Radouane Nagim, Maxie Kohler, Martin R. Lenze, Jürgen Schelter, Vera Steinmann, Ronald Alle, Mathias Schäfer, Heike Klesper, Klaus Meerholz
Identifizierung von Verunreinigungen in organischen Solarzellen und deren Einfluss auf die Solarzellenperformance am Beispiel eines Merocyanin-Farbstoffes.
46. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS, 10.-13. März 2013, Berlin, Germany.

Ellen Pauwelyn, Chien-Jui Huang, Marc Ongena, Valerie Leclere, Philippe Jacques, Peter Bleyaert, Herbert Budzikiewicz, Mathias Schäfer, Monica Höfte
New linear lipopeptides produced by Pseudomonas cichorii SF1-54 modulate virulence, swarming motility and biofilm formation.
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 26 (2013) 585-598.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2012   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Francesco Falvo, Lukas Fiebig, Frank Dreiocker, Ran Wang, P.B. Armentrout and Mathias Schäfer
Fragmentation reactions of thiourea- and urea-compounds examined by tandem MS-, energy-resolved CID experiments, and theory.
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 330-332 (2012) 124-133. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijms.2012.06.023
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Francesco Falvo, Lukas Fiebig, Frank Dreiocker, Ran Wang, P.B.Armentrout and Mathias Schäfer
In-depth examination of fragmentation reactions of thiourea- and urea-compounds by tandem MS-, energy-resolved CID experiments and theory.
19th International Mass Spectrometry Conference IMSC, Kyoto, Japan, 15.09. - 21.09.2012.

Mario Thevis, Simon Beuck, Sebastian Höppner, Andreas Thomas, Joseph Held, Mathias Schäfer, Jos Oomens and Wilhelm Schänzer
Structure elucidation of the diagnostic product ion at m/z 97 derived from androst-4-en-3-one-based steroids by ESI-CID and IRMPD spectroscopy.
Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry 23 (2012) 537-546. DOI: 10.1007/s13361-011-0308-4
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Mélissa Hannauer, Mathias Schäfer, Françoise Hoegy, Patrick Gizzi, Patrick Wehrung, Gaëtan L.A.Mislin, Herbert Budzikiewicz, Isabelle J.Schalk
Biosynthesis of the pyoverdine siderophore of Pseudomonas aeruginosa involves precursors with a myristic or a myristoleic acid chain.
Federation of European Biochemical Societies Letters - FEBS Letters 586 (2012) 96-101.

Mario Thevis, Simon Beuck, Andreas Thomas, Sebastian Höppner, Joseph Held, Mathias Schäfer, Jos Oomens, Wilhelm Schänzer
Mass Spectrometry in Sports Drug Testing: Investigating Diagnostic Product Ions of Testosterone by ESI-CID HRMS and IRMPD Spectroscopy.
60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics Vancouver, BC, Canada, 20.05. - 24.05.2012.

Lukas Fiebig, Hans-Günther Schmalz and Mathias Schäfer
Heck coupling in the gas phase: Examination of the reaction mechanism by ion/molecule reactions and mass spectrometry.
60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics Vancouver, BC, Canada, 20.05. - 24.05.2012.

Lisa Brückmann, Wieland Tyrra, Sanjay Mathur, Giel Berden, Jos Oomens, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer and Mathias Schäfer
Examination of the coordination sphere of Al(III) in trifluoromethyl-heteroarylalkenolato-complex-ions by gas-phase IRMPD spectroscopy and computational modelling.
60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics Vancouver, BC, Canada, 20.05. - 24.05.2012.

Lisa Brückmann, Wieland Tyrra, Sanjay Mathur, Giel Berden, Jos Oomens, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer and Mathias Schäfer
Examination of the coordination sphere of Al(III) in trifluoromethyl-heteroarylalkenolato-complex-ions by gas-phase IRMPD spectroscopy and computational modelling.
ChemPhysChem, 13 (2012) 2037-2045.

Frank Dreiocker, Simon Beuck, Nina Winkelmann, Mario Thevis, Andrea Sinz and Mathias Schäfer
XtraQuant: New dissociative reagents for efficient relative quantitation of proteins by tandem mass spectrometry using selected reaction monitoring.
Joint Conference of the Polish Mass Spectrometry Society and German Mass Spectrometry Society 2012, 04.03. - 07.03.2012, Poznan, Poland.

Francesco Falvo, Lukas Fiebig, Frank Dreiocker and Mathias Schäfer
In-depth examination of fragmentation reactions of thiourea- and urea-compounds important as CID-labile reagents for sensitive and effective chemical crosslinking.
Joint Conference of the Polish Mass Spectrometry Society and German Mass Spectrometry Society 2012, 04.03. - 07.03.2012, Poznan, Poland.

Lukas Fiebig, Hans-Günther Schmalz and Mathias Schäfer
Heck coupling in the gas phase: Examination of the reaction mechanism by ion/molecule reactions and mass spectrometry.
Joint Conference of the Polish Mass Spectrometry Society and German Mass Spectrometry Society 2012, 04.03. - 07.03.2012, Poznan, Poland.

Mario Thevis, Simon Beuck, Sebastian Höppner, Mathias Schäfer, Joseph Held, Jos Oomens, Andreas Thomas, Wilhelm Schänzer
Mass Spectrometry in Sports Drug Testing: Investigating Diagnostic Product Ions of Testosterone by ESI-CID HRMS and IRMPD spectroscopy.
Joint Conference of the Polish Mass Spectrometry Society and German Mass Spectrometry Society 2012, 04.03. - 07.03.2012, Poznan, Poland.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2011   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Lukas Fiebig, Hans-Günther Schmalz and Mathias Schäfer
Heck Coupling in the Gas Phase: Examination of the Reaction Mechanism by Ion/Molecule Reactions and Mass Spectrometry.
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 308 (2011) 307-310. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijms.2011.07.013
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Ahmad R. Massah, Frank Dreiocker, Richard F.W. Jackson, Barry T. Pickup, Jos Oomens, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer and Mathias Schäfer
Gas-phase study of new organozinc reagents by IRMPD-Spectroscopy, Computational modelling and Tandem-MS.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (2011) 13255-13267. DOI: 10.1039/C1CP20747D
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Mathias Q. Müller, Johannes J. Zeiser, Frank Dreiocker, Andreas Pich, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
A Universal MALDI Cleavable Cross-Linker for Protein Structure Analysis.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 25 (2011) 155-161.

Lukas Fiebig, Hans-Günther Schmalz and Mathias Schäfer
Analysis of homogenous Transition Metal Catalyst-Substrate Interactions in the Gas Phase using a high-Resolution Orbitrap Mass Analyzer.
44. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS, 27.02. - 02.03.2011, ISAS, Dortmund, GERMANY.

Francesco Falvo, Frank Dreiocker and Mathias Schäfer
Tandem-MS study of the fragmentation behavior of thiourea- and urea-compounds.
44. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS, 27.02. - 02.03.2011, ISAS, Dortmund, GERMANY.

Frank Dreiocker, Andrew J. Ross, Jos Oomens, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Barry T. Pickup, Richard F.W. Jackson and Mathias Schäfer
Structure elucidation of tetramethylethylenediamine (TMEDA) solvated organozinc cations in the gas phase.
44. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS, 27.02. - 02.03.2011, ISAS, Dortmund, GERMANY.

Frank Dreiocker, Jos Oomens, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Barry T. Pickup, Richard F.W. Jackson and Mathias Schäfer
MS- and IRMPD-study of Solvated Organozinc Cations in the Gas Phase: Structure Elucidation of Negishi Cross Coupling Reagents.
ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, 05.06. - 09.06.2011, Denver, USA.

Andrew J. Ross, Frank Dreiocker, Mathias Schäfer, Jos Oomens, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Barry T. Pickup and Richard F.W. Jackson
Evidence for the role of TMEDA in aqueous Negishi cross-coupling: synthesis of non-proteinogenic phenylalanine derivatives in water.
Journal of Organic Chemistry 76 (2011) 1727-1734.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2010   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Mario Thevis, Andreas Thomas, Maxie Kohler, Simon Beuck, Ines Möller, Mathias Schäfer, Grigory Rodchenkov, Sheng Yin, Joseph A. Loo, Hans Geyer, Wilhelm Schänzer
Mass spectrometry-based characterization of new drugs and methods of performance manipulation in doping control analysis.
European Journal of Mass Spectrometry 16 (2010) 301-312. DOI: 10.1255/ejms.1047
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Mathias Schäfer, Miriam K. Drayß, P. B. Armentrout, Jos Oomens
Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation Spectroscopy of Cationized Proline and N-Methyl Alanine: Effects of Alkali-Metal Cation Size on Gas-Phase Conformation.
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry (2010) in press. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijms.2010.04.010.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Mathias Schäfer, Miriam K. Drayß, P.B. Armentrout, Jos Oomens
Alkali metal cationized aliphatic amino acids: charge-solvation becomes more favorable with increasing ion size. Isolated biomolecules and biomolecular interactions.
IBBI 2010 Conference, 12.06. - 17.06.2010, Berlin, GERMANY.

Mathias Schäfer, Miriam K. Drayß, P.B. Armentrout, Jos Oomens
Alkali metal cationized aliphatic amino acids: Charge-solvation becomes more favorable with increasing ion size.
58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, 23.05. - 27.05.2010, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

Andrea Sinz, Frank Dreiocker, Mathias Q. Müller, Christian Ihling, Mathias Schäfer
Collision-Induced Dissociative Chemical Cross-Linking Reagents and ESI-LTQ-ORBITRAP-MS for Protein Structure Characterization.
9th European Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry EFTMS Workshop, 06.04. - 09.04.2010, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Mathias Schäfer
Ionen-Spektroskopie mit IRMPD.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS 2010, 07.03. - 10.03.2010, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale).

Mathias Q. Müller, Frank Dreiocker, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
Neue dissoziative Cross-Linker für die vereinfachte massenspektrometrische Proteinstrukturaufklärung.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS 2010, 07.03. - 10.03.2010, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale).

Mathias Q. Müller, Frank Dreiocker, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
A Novel Cleavable Cross-Linker for Protein Structure Analysis - Constant Neutral Losses Simplify Identification of Cross-Linking Products.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS 2010, 07.03. - 10.03.2010, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale).

Henry Moll, Maja Glorius, Anna Johnsson, Mathias Schäfer, Herbert Budzikiewicz, Karsten Pedersen, Gert Bernhard
Neptunium(V)-complexation with natural pyoverdins and related model compounds.
Radiochimica Acta (2010) accepted.

Mathias Q.Müller, Frank Dreiocker, Christian H.Ihling, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
A Novel Cleavable Cross-Linker for Protein Structure Analysis: Reliable Identification of Cross-Linking Products by Tandem MS.
Analytical Chemistry 82 (2010) 6958-6968.

Mathias Q.Müller, Frank Dreiocker, Christian H.Ihling, Mathias Schäfer, Andrea Sinz
A Novel Collision-Induced Dissociative Chemical Cross-Linker for Protein Structure Analysis - Constant Neutral Losses Simplify Identification of Cross-Linked Products.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 45 (2010) 880-891. DOI: 10.1002/jms.1775
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Frank Dreiocker, Mathias Q. Müller, Andrea Sinz, Mathias Schäfer
Collision-Induced Dissociative Chemical Cross-Linking Reagent for Protein Structure Characterization: Applied Edman Chemistry in the Gas Phase.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 45 (2010) 178-189. DOI: 10.1002/jms.1702.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Frank Dreiocker, Jos Oomens, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Barry T. Pickup, Richard F.W. Jackson, Mathias Schäfer
Structure elucidation of Dimethylformamide Solvated Alkylzinc Cations in the Gas Phase.
Journal of Organic Chemistry 75 (2010) 1203-1213. DOI: 10.1021/jo902492z.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2009   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Katharina Butsch, Sait Elmas, Nalinava Sen Gupta, Ronald Gust, Frank Heinrich, Axel Klein, Yvonne von Mering, Michael Neugebauer, Ingo Ott, Mathias Schäfer, Harald Scherer, Thilo Schurr
Organo­platinum(II) and -palladium(II) Complexes of Nucleobases and Their Derivatives.
Organo­metallics 28 (2009) 3906-3915. DOI: 10.1021/om900208r.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Sandra Matthijs, Georges Laus, Jean-Marie Meyer, Kourosch Abbaspour-Tehrani, Mathias Schäfer, Herbert Budzikiewicz, Pierre Cornelis
Siderophore-mediated iron acquisition in the entomopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas entomophila L48 and its close relative Pseudomonas putida KT2440.
Biometals, 22 (2009) 951-964.

Stefan Berking, Uwe Hoffmann, Mathias Schäfer, Klaus Herrmann
Methionine in pattern control of Hydra.
Central European Journal of Biology, 4 (2009) 549-557. DOI 10.2478/s11535-009-0038-9.
Available online @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Miriam K.Drayß, Dirk Blunk, Jos Oomens, Bing Gao, Thomas Wyttenbach, Michael T.Bowers, Mathias Schäfer
Systematic study of the structures of potassiated tertiary amino acids: Salt bridge structures dominate.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (2009) 9543-9550.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Mario Thevis, Simon Beuck, Andreas Thomas, Gregor Fußhöller, Nils Schlörer, Mathias Schäfer, Wilhelm Schänzer
Electron Ionization Mass Spectrometry of the Ryanodine Receptor-based Ca2+-Channel Stabilizer S-107 and its Implementation into Routine Doping Control
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 23 (2009) 2363-2370.

A.Raman Rabindranath, Anna Maier, Mathias Schäfer, Bernd Tieke
Luminescent and ionochromic polyiminofluorene with conjugated terpyridine substituent groups.
Macromol. Chem. Phys. 210 (2009) 659-668.

Mathias Schäfer, Frank Dreiocker, Jos Oomens, Richard F.W. Jackson, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Barry T. Pickup
Gas-phase examination of alkylzinc dimethylformamide cluster ions: key intermediates in the stereo-controlled synthesis of non-natural amino acids.
International Mass Spectrometry Conference IMSC, 30.08. bis 04.09.2009, Bremen, Germany.

Heike Klesper, Radouane Nagim, Mathias Schäfer, Klaus Meerholz
Low flow ESI LC-MS method for the analysis of degradation products and impurities in unpolar compounds used for organic electronics.
International Mass Spectrometry Conference IMSC, 30.08. bis 04.09.2009, Bremen, Germany.

Frank Dreiocker, Mathias Müller, Andrea Sinz, Mathias Schäfer
New dissociative cross-linker for effective protein structure elucidation by tandem mass spectrometry.
International Mass Spectrometry Conference IMSC, 30.08. bis 04.09.2009, Bremen, Germany.

Mathias Schäfer, Miriam K.Drayß, Dirk Blunk, Jeremiah M.Purcell, Christopher L.Hendrickson, Alan G.Marshall, Abhigya Mookherjee, P.B.Armentrout
Kinetic Determination of Potassium Affinities by IRMPD: Elucidation of Precursor Ion Structures.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (2009) 7779-7783.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Mario Thevis, Simon Beuck, Maxie Kohler, Andreas Thomas, Mathias Schäfer, Wilhelm Schänzer
Mass Spectrometry-Based Detection of New Drugs and Methods of Manipulation in Doping Control Analysis.
18th International Mass Spectrometry Conference IMSC, 30.08.-04.09.2009, Bremen, Germany.

Miriam K.Drayß, Dirk Blunk, Jos Oomens, Nick Polfer, Carsten Schmuck, Bing Gao, Thomas Wyttenbach, Michael T.Bowers, Mathias Schäfer
Gas-Phase Structures of Solution-Phase Zwitterions: Charge Solvation or Salt Bridge?
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 281 (2009) 97-100.

Mathias Schäfer, Frank Dreiocker, Herbert Budzikiewicz
Collision-induced loss of AgH from Ag+-adducts leads exclusively to thermodynamically favored product ions.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 44 (2009) 278-284.

Mathias Schäfer, Frank Dreiocker, Jos Oomens, Richard F.W. Jackson, Anthony J.H.M. Meijer, Barry T. Pickup
Gas-phase examination of alkylzinc dimethyl­for­mamide cluster ions: key interme­diates in the stereo-con­trolled synthesis of non-natural amino acids.
42. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS, Universität Konstanz, 08.-11. März 2009.

Miriam Drayß, Dirk Blunk, Frank Dreiocker, Jeremiah M. Purcell, Christopher L. Hendrickson, Alan G. Marshall, Jos Oomens, Peter Armentrout, Abhigya Mookherjee, Mathias Schäfer
Untersuchung von [M+K]+ Molekülionen tertiärer Aminosäuren in der Gasphase: Molecular Modelling und Infrared Multi Photon Dissociation Spectroscopy (CO2-Laser IRMPD und Free Electron Laser for Infrared Experiments).
42. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS, Universität Konstanz, 08.-11. März 2009.

H. Moll, A. Johnsson, M. Schäfer, M. Glorius, K. Pedersen, H. Budzikiewicz, G. Bernhard
Complexation of Neptunium (V) with Pyoverdins.
Migration 2009, 12th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, 20.09.-25.09. Kennewick, Washington, USA 2009.

Miriam Drayß, Dirk Blunk, Frank Dreiocker, Jeremiah M. Purcell, Christopher L. Hendrickson, Alan G. Marshall, Jos Oomens, Abhingya Mookherjee, Peter Armentrout, Mathias Schäfer
Potassium affinity of gas-phase amino acids determined by IRMPD (CO2- and Free Electron Laser) and molecular modelling.
57th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, 31.05.-04.06.2009, Philadelphia PA, USA 2009.

Mario Thevis, Simon Beuck, Andreas Thomas, Maxie Kohler, Mathias Schäfer, Wilhelm Schänzer
Mass Spectrometry in Sports Drug Testing: Characterization and Detection of RYCALs: Endurance-Enhancing Ryanodine-Calstabin-Complex Stabilizers.
57th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, 31.05.-04.06.2009, Philadelphia PA, USA 2009.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2008   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Miriam Drayß, Dirk Blunk, Jos Oomens, Mathias Schäfer
Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation Spectroscopy of Potassiated Proline.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (2008) 11972-11974.
Also available @ ACS Publications The DOI® System

Axel G. Griesbeck, Mathias Schäfer, Johannes Uhlig
Photooxygenation Catalysis with a Polyol-decorated Disc-shaped Porphyrine Sensitizer: Shell-Recognition Effects.
Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis (2008) 350, 2104-2108.

Sandra Matthijs, Herbert Budzikiewicz, Mathias Schäfer, Bernard Wathelet, Pierre Cornelis
Ornicossugatin, a new Siderophore from Pseudomonas Fluoreszens AF76.
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 63 (2008) 8-12.

Albrecht Berkessel, Marc Brandenburg, Mathias Schäfer
Mass-Spectrometrical and Kinetic Studies on the Mechanism and Degradation Pathways of Titanium Salalen Catalysts for Asymmetric Epoxidation with Aqueous Hydrogen Peroxide.
Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis 350 (2008) 1287 -1294.

Henry Moll, Maja Glorius, Gert Bernhard, Anna Johnsson, Karsten Pedersen, Mathias Schäfer, Herbert Budzikiewicz
Characterization of Pyoverdins Secreted by a Subsurface Strain of Pseudomonas Fluorescens and their Interactions with Uranium(VI).
Geomicrobiology Journal 25 (2008) 157-166.

Jean-Marie Meyer, Christelle Gruffaz, Vololoniaina Raharinosy, Irina Bezverbnaya, Mathias Schäfer, Herbert Budzikiewicz
Siderotyping of Fluorescent Pseudomonas: molecular mass determination by mass spectrometry as a powerful pyoverdine siderotyping method.
BioMetals 21 (2008) 259-271.

Henry Moll, Anna Johnsson, Mathias Schäfer, Karsten Pedersen, Herbert Budzikiewicz, Gert Bernhard
Curium(III)-Complexation with Pyoverdins Secreted by a Groundwater Strain of Pseudomonas Fluorescens.
BioMetals 21 (2008) 219-228.

Marc Ongena, Emmanuel Jourdan, Akram Adam, Mathias Schäfer, Herbert Budzikiewicz, Philippe Thonart
Amino Acids, Iron, and Growth Rate as Key Factors Influencing Production of the Pseudomonas Putida BTP1 Benzylamine Derivative Involved in Systemic Resistance Induction in Different Plants.
Microbiology Ecology 55 (2008) 280-292.

Christina D. Moon, Xue-Xian Zhang, Sandra Matthijs, Mathias Schäfer, Herbert Budzikiewicz, Paul. B. Rainey
Genomic and Genetic Analysis of Pyoverdine-Mediated Iron Acquisition in a Plant Growth-Promoting Bacterium, Pseu­domonas Fluorescens SBW25.
BMC Microbiology 8 (2008) 7.

Mathias Schäfer, Miriam Drayß, Dirk Blunk, Carsten Schmuck, Jos Oomens, Nick Polfer, Bing Gao, Thomas Wyttenbach, Michael Bowers
Structures of Guanidiniocarbonylpyrrole-Derivative Ions in the Gas Phase Examined by MS/MS, FELIX Induced Photo-Dissociation Spectroscopy, Ion Mobility-MS and Computational Modelling.

Mathias Schäfer
Prozesse der Erzeugung von Gasphasenionen mit Hilfe der Elektrosprayionisierung.
41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 02.-05. März 2008.

Frank Dreiocker, Herbert Budzikiewicz, Mathias Schäfer
MS/MS-Unter­suchung des Verlusts von Silberhydrid aus [M+Ag]+ Vorläuferionen unsymme­trischer tertiärer Amine und tertiärer Aminocarbonsäuren.
41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 02.-05. März 2008.

Miriam Drayß, Mathias Schäfer, Carsten Schmuck, Dirk Blunk, Nick C. Polfer, Jos Oomens, Michael T. Bowers, Thomas Wyttenbach, Bing Gao
Examination of the Gas-Phase Ion Structure of Cationized Guanidiniocarbonyl Pyrrole Derivates (Na+) by Infrared Multi Photon Dissociation Spectroscopy (IRMPD), Computational Modelling and Ion Mobility Spectroscopy.
41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 02.-05. März 2008.

Mathias Schäfer, Miriam Drayß, Dirk Blunk, Carsten Schmuck, Jos Oomens, Nick Polfer, Bing Gao, Thomas Wyttenbach, Michael Bowers
Structures of Guanidiniocarbonylpyrrole-Derivative Ions in the Gas Phase Examined by MS/MS, FELIX Induced Photo-Dissociation Spectroscopy, Ion Mobility-MS and Computational Modelling.
13th ISMAS Symposium cum Workshop on Mass Spectrometry, BARC Training School, Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai, 27.01.-31.01.2008.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2007   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Mathias Schäfer, Miriam Drayß, Andreas Springer, Philipp Zacharias, Klaus Meerholz
Radical Cations in Electrospray Mass Spectrometry: Formation of Open-Shell Species, Examination of the Fragmentation Behaviour in ESI-MSn and Reaction Mechanism Studies via Detection of Transient Radical Cations.
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 31 (2007) 5162-5174.

Albrecht Berkessel, Marc Brandenburg, Eva Leitterstorf, Julia Frey, Johann Lex, Mathias Schäfer
A Practical and Versatile Access to Dihydrosalen (Salalen) Ligands: Highly Enantioselective Titanium In Situ Catalysts for Asymmetric Epoxidation with Aqueous Hydrogen Peroxide.
Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 349 (2007) 2385-2391.

Herbert Budzikiewicz, Mathias Schäfer, Jean-Marie Meyer
Siderotyping of Fluorescent Pseudomonads - Problems in the Determination of Molecular Masses by Mass Spectrometry.
Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry, 4 (2007) 246-253.

Frank Dreiocker, Mathias Schäfer, Juri Rappsilber
Proteinstrukturaufklärung unter Verwendung Tandem-massenspektrometrisch selektiv nachweisbarer Crosslinker.
40. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS 2007, Universität Bremen, 11. - 14. März 2007.

Miriam Drayß, Mathias Schäfer, Carsten Schmuck, Dirk Blunk, Nick C.Polver, Jos Oomens
Examination of the gasphase Ion Structure of Cationized Guanidiniocarbonyl pyrrole derivates (Na+) by Infrared multi Photon Dissociation Spectroscopy (IRMPD) and Computational Modelling.
40. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS 2007, Universität Bremen, 11. - 14. März 2007.

Carsten Schmuck, Thomas Rehm, Lars Geiger, Mathias Schäfer
Synthesis and self-association properties of flexible guanidiniocarbonyl-pyrrole-carboxylate-zwitterions in DMSO: Intra-versus intermolecular charge interactions.
Journal for Organic Chemistry (2007) 72, 6162-6170.

Miriam Drayß, Mathias Schäfer, Carsten Schmuck, Dirk Blunk, Nick C. Polfer, Jos Oomens, Sebastian Schlund, Bernd Engels
Examination of gas-phase Ion Structures of Cationized Guanidiniocarbonyl pyrroles by Infrared multi Photon Dissociation Spectroscopy (IRMPD) and Computational Modeling.
55th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, June 3rd-7th 2007, Indianapolis IN, USA 2007.

Mathias Schäfer, Andreas Springer, Philipp Zacharias, Klaus Meerholz
Electrospray Mass Spectrometry and ES-MS/MS of hole-transport materials: formation of open-shell molecular radical cations and remarkable MSn fragmentation behaviour.
55th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, June 3rd-7th 2007, Indianapolis IN, USA 2007.

Henry Moll, Anna Johnsson, Mathias Schäfer, Maja Glorius, Karsten Pedersen, Herbert Budzikiewicz, Gert Bernhard
Complexation of actinides with bioligands secreted by a subsurface strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens.
Migration 2007, August 26th-31st, Munich, Germany, 2007.

Mathias Schäfer
Electrospray-MS/MS: Ion Formation, Collision Activation and Fragmentation Reactions of Organic and Bioorganic Compounds.
12th ISMAS Symposium cum Workshop on Mass Spectrometry, March 25th-30th, Dona Paula, Goa, India, 2007.

Herbert Budzikiewicz, Mathias Schäfer, Diana Uria Fernández, Sandra Matthijs, Pierre Cornelis
Characterization of the chromophores of pyoverdins and related siderophores by electrospray tandem mass spectrometry.
Bio Metals 20 (2007) 135-144.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2006   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Herbert Budzikiewicz, Mathias Schäfer, Diana Uria Fernández, Jean-Marie Meyer
Structure Proposal for a New Pyoverdin from Pseudomonas sp. PS 6.10
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 61c, 815-820 (2006).

Mathias Schäfer, Regine Fuchs, Herbert Budzikiewicz, Andreas Springer, Jean-Marie Meyer, Michael Linscheid
Structure elucidation of cyclic pyoverdins and examination of rearrangement reactions in MS/MS experiments by determination of exact product ion masses.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 41: 1162-1170 (2006).

Mathias Schäfer, Nick C.Polfer, Jos Oomens, Dirk Blunk, Matthew Forbes, Rebecca A.Jockusch
Examination of the gasphase ion structure of cationized arginine (Na+, K+) by infrared multiphoton dissociation spectroscopy and computational modeling.
54rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Seattle WA, USA, 2006.

Mathias Schäfer, Regine Fuchs, Herbert Budzikiewicz, Andreas Springer, Michael Linscheid
Tandem-MS Studie von Peptiden mit cyclischen Substrukturen: Aufklärung von skeletteralen Umlagerungsreaktionen bei CID in Quadrupol- und magnetischen Ionenfallen & Ermittlung der Primärstruktur.
39.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS 2006, Universität Mainz, 05. bis 08. März, 2006.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2005   zurück zum Seitenanfang
M.Schäfer, A.Springer, M.Linscheid, R.Fuchs, H.Budzikiewicz
MSn Characterization and exact mass measurement of MS2-fragmentions of a peptide with a cyclic substructure: Examination of fragmentation and rearrangement reactions.
53rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, San Antonio, Texas (USA), 2005.

M.Ongena, E.Jourdan, M.Schäfer, C.Kech, H.Budzikiewicz, A.Luxen, P.Thonart
Isolation of an n-alkylated benzylamine derivative from Pseudomonas putida BTP1 as elicitor of induced systemic resistance in bean.
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 18: 562-569 (2005).

H.Budzikiewicz, M.Schäfer
Massenspektrometrie - Eine Einführung
Massenspektrometrie Kurzbeschreibung: Die Neuauflage dieser bewährten Einführung vermittelt vor allem Anfängern die Grundlagen der Massenspektrometrie. Sie beschreibt die Verfahren, die heute mit kommerziellen Geräten genutzt werden und erläutert die Auswertung und Interpretation der Spektren und Daten.
Inhalt TEIL I - GRUNDLAGEN: Terminologie, Apparative Grundlagen, Ionenarten
Inhalt TEIL II - AUSWERTUNG VON MASSENSPEKTREN: Bestimmung von Molekülmasse und Elementarzusammensetzung, Isotopenanalyse, Quantitative und Qualitative Analyse von Gemischen, Bindungsarten und thermodynamische Daten aus IP- und AP-Messungen, Interpretation der Fragmentierungsmuster organischer Verbindungen, Besprechung einzelner Verbindungsklassen, Beispiele aus dem Naturstoffbereich, Stereochemische Probleme.
Fünfte vollständig überarbeitete & aktualisierte Auflage - Februar 2005.
Wiley-VCH Weinheim, ISBN 3-527-30822-9, 220 Seiten, Preis: 34,90 Euro

D.Naumann, W.Tyrra, S.Quadt, S.Buslei, I.Pantenburg, M.Schäfer
Bis(trifluoromethylselenato(0))metallates(I) of Silver and Gold, [M(SeCF3)2]- (M = Ag, Au).
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chemie, 631, 2733-2737 (2005).

M.Silberbach, M.Schäfer, A.Hüser, J.Kalinowski, A.Pühler, R.Krämer, A.Burkovski
Adaptation of Corynebacterium glutamicum to ammonium limitation: a global analysis using transcriptome and proteome techniques.
Appl. Env. Microbiol. 71, 2391-2402 (2005).

M.Silberbach, M.Schäfer, A.Hüser, J.Kalinowski, A.Pühler, R.Krämer, A.Burkovski
The respones of Corynebacterium glutamicum to nitrogen limitation.
Poster, BioPerspectives, Wiesbaden, 10.05.-12.05.2005.

M.Silberbach, M.Schäfer, R.Krämer, A.Burkovski
Global analysis of the response to nitrogen limitation in Corynebacterium glutamicum using DNA microarrays and 2-D-PAGE.
Poster, Dechema Statusseminar Chiptechnologien, Frankfurt a.M., 03.02.-04.02.2005.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2004   zurück zum Seitenanfang
N.V.Kirij, W.Tyrra, D.Naumann, Y.L.Yagupolskii, I.Pantenburg, M.Schäfer
Bis(trifluoromethyltellurato(0))metallates(I) of copper, silver and gold, [M(TeCF3)2]- (M = Cu, Ag, Au).
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 125 (2004) 1933-1938.

A.Bultreys, I.Gheysen, B.Wathelet, M.Schäfer, H.Budzikiewicz
The Pyoverdins of Pseudomonas syringae and Pseudomonas cichorii.
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung (2004) 59c, 613-618.

C.Ruangviriyachai, D.U.Fernández, M.Schäfer, H.Budzikiewicz
Structure proposal for a new pyoverdin from a Thai Pseudomonas putida strain.
Spectroscopy (2004) 18, 453-458.

M.Schäfer, C.Schmuck, L.Geiger, M.J.Chalmers, C.L.Hendrickson, A.G.Marshall
Structurally related non-covalent complexes examined by quadrupole ion trap (QIT) MS2 and infrared multiphoton dissociation Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry IRMPD-FT-ICR MS: evidence for salt-bridge structures in the gas phase.
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry (2004) 237/1, 33-45.

The Expanding Role of Mass Spectrometry in Biotechnology.
By Gary Siuzdak, Book Review, ChemBioChem (2004) 5, 887.

M.Schäfer, N.Schlörer
Internet-Based Spectroscopy Tools: Instructive Aids for Molecular-Structure Analysis?
Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2004) 43, 2878.

M.Schäfer, N.Schlörer
Das Internet - lehrreiche Hilfe bei der molekularen Strukturaufklärung?
Angewandte Chemie (2004) 116, 2938.

M.Schäfer, C.Schmuck, L.Geiger, C.L.Hendrickson, M.J.Chalmers, A.G.Marshall
Structurally related non-covalent complexes examined by quadrupole ion trap (QIT) MS2 and infrared multiphoton dissociation Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (IRMPD-FT-ICR MS): evidence for salt-bridge structures in the gas phase.
52th ASMS conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Nashville, TN USA, 2004.

M.Schäfer, C.Schmuck, L.Geiger, M.J.Chalmers, C.L.Hendrickson, A.G. Marshall
Strukturverwandte non-kovalent verknüpfte Komplexe in elektrischen und magnetischen Ionenfallen (Q-Trap: MS2 & FT-ICR MS: infrared multiphoton dissociation IRMPD-MS/MS): Zwitterionische Strukturen in der Gasphase?
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie DGMS, UFZ Leipzig, 2004.

S.Matthijs, C.Baysse, N.Koedam, K.A.Tehrani, L.Verheyden, H.Budzikiewicz, M.Schäfer, B.Hoorelbeke, J.-M.Meyer, H.De Greve, P.Cornelis
The Pseudomonas siderophore quinolobactin is synthesized from xanthurenic acid, an intermediate of the kynurenine pathway.
Molecular Microbiology (2004) 52, 371-384.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2003   zurück zum Seitenanfang
D.Uría Fernández, V.Geoffroy, M.Schäfer, H.Budzikiewicz, J.-M.Meyer
Bacterial Constituents CXIII[1].
Structure Revision of Several Pyoverdins Produced by Plant-Growth Promoting and Plant-Deleterious Pseudomonas Species.

Monatshefte für Chemie (2003) 134, 1421-1431.

M.Schäfer, C.Schmuck, M.Heil, H.J.Cooper, C.L.Hendrickson, M.J.Chalmers, A.G. Marshall
Determination of the Activation Energy for Unimolecular Dissociation of a Non-Covalent Gas-Phase Peptide:
Substrate Complex by Infrared Multiphoton Dissociation Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry.

Journal of American Society for Mass Spectrometry (2003) 14, 1282-1289.

Elektrospray: Molekulare Elephanten lernen das Fliegen (Nobel-Vortrag).
Angew.Chem., (2003) 115, 3999-4024; Übersetzung: M.Schäfer.

Ionisation von Makromolekülen durch Bestrahlung mit Laserlicht (Nobel-Vortrag).
Angew.Chem., (2003) 115, 3989-3998; Übersetzung: M.Schäfer.

M.Schäfer, C.Schmuck, M.Heil, H.J.Cooper, C.L.Hendrickson, M.J.Chalmers, A.G. Marshall
Determination of the gas-phase activation energy for the unimolecular dissociation of a non-covalent complex by infrared multiphoton dissociation tandem Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry.
51th ASMS conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Montreal, Canada 2003.

Supramolekular Crown Ether Adducts in the Gas Phase: From Molecular Recognition of Amines to the Covalent Coupling of Host/Guest Molecules.
Angew.Chem.Int.Ed., (2003) 42, 1896-1899.

Kronenether-Komplexe in der Gasphase: von der molekularen Erkennung von Aminen bis zur kovalenten Verknüpfung von Wirt- und Gastmolekülen.
Angew.Chem., (2003) 115, 1940-1943.

D.Uría Fernández, R.Fuchs, M.Schäfer, H.Budzikiewicz, J.-M.Meyer
The Pyoverdin of Pseudomonas fluorescens G173, a Novel Structural Type Accompanied by Unexpected Natural Derivatives of the Corresponding Ferribactin.
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, (2003) 58c, 1-10.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2002   zurück zum Seitenanfang
M.Schäfer, K.Herrmann, S.Berking, H.Hartmann, P.Küpper
Development and application of a custom-made nano-electrospray ion source.
Desorption 2002, Estes Park, CO, USA (2002).

Principles and Practice of Biological Mass Spectrometry Edited by Chhabil Dass, Book Review.
ChemBioChem, (2002) 3(11), 1159.

D.Mossialos, U.Ochsner, C.Baysee, P.Chablain, J.-P.Pirnay, N.Koedam, H.Budzikiewicz, D.Uría Fernández, M.Schäfer, J.Ravel, P.Cornelis
Identification of new, conserved, non-ribosomal peptide synthetases from fluorescent pseudomonads involved in the biosynthesis of the siderophore pyoverdine.
Molecular Microbiology, (2002) 45(6), 1673-1685.

C.A.Schalley, T.Müller, P.Linnartz, M.Witt, M.Schäfer, A.Lützen
Mass Spectrometric Characterization and Gas-Phase Chemistry of Self-Assembling Supramolecular Squares and Triangles.
Chem.Eur.Journal, 8 (2002) 3538-3551.

F.-J.Marner, A.N.B.Singab, M.M.Al-Azizi, N.A.El-Emary, M.Schäfer
Iridal Glycosides from IRIS SPURIA (ZEAL), cultivated in Egypt.
Phytochemistry, 60 (2002) 301-307.

I.Bellahn, R.Krämer, S.Waffenschmidt, M.Schäfer
Proteome analysis of the vacuole of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS 2002, 03.bis 06.März 2002, DKFZ Heidelberg

D.Uría Fernández, M.Schäfer, H.Budzikiewicz, S.Heim
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von MALDI-MS Fingerprints am Beispiel der Strukturaufklärung eines Membranproteins von Pseudomonas fluorescens G173.
dgms2002.ppt - download Power Point Poster [584 KB] - msoc Präsentation vom 28.02.2002 auf der DGMS
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS 2002, 03.bis 06.März 2002, DKFZ Heidelberg

M.M.Silberbach, A.K.Bendt, R.Krämer, M.Schäfer, A.Burkovski
Proteome analysis of Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie, DGMS 2002, 03.bis 06.März 2002, DKFZ Heidelberg

M.Schäfer, H.Schmickler, H.Budzikiewicz, R.Fuchs
Strukturaufklärung von Methaboliten des Antidepressivums OPIPRAMOL mittels MS/MS, LC-MSn und NMR.
XIII. Massenspektrometische Diskussionsveranstaltung, 19./20.Februar 2002, Universität Wien, Austria

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2001   zurück zum Seitenanfang
K.Schlegel, R.Fuchs, M.Schäfer, K.Taraz, H.Budzikiewicz, V.Geoffroy, J.-M.Meyer
The Pyoverdins of Pseudomonas sp.96-312 and 96-318
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 56c (2001) 680-686.

B.M.O'Leary, T.Szabo, N.Svenstrup, C.A.Schalley, A.Lützen, M.Schäfer, J.Rebek Jr.
"Flexiball" Toolkit: A Modular Approach to Self-Assembling Capsules
Journal of American Chemical Society, 123 (2001) 11519-11532.

M.Ongena, M.Schäfer, H.Budzikiewicz, P.Jacques, J.Dommes, P.Thonart
Isolation of new metabolites from Pseudomonas putida involved in plant resistance induction
PSEUDOMONAS 2001, Brussels/Belgium, Sept. 2001.

D.Uría Fernández, H.Budzikiewicz, K.Taraz, M.Schäfer
Fast Characterisation of the different siderophores of pseudomonas fluorescens G173
PSEUDOMONAS 2001, Brussels/Belgium, Sept. 2001.

M.Ongena, P.Jacques, P.Thonart, I.Gwose, D.Uría Fernández, M.Schäfer, H.Budzikiewicz
The pyoverdin of Pseudomonas fluorescens BTP2, a novel structural type
Tetrahedron Letters, 42 (2001) 5849-5851.

M.Schäfer, U.Hohlneicher, R.Fuchs, H.Budzikiewicz
Examination of the biosynthetic pathway of Pseudomonas Siderophores by means of MSn-Ion-Trap experiments
49th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Chicago, IL, (May 2001).

U.Hohlneicher, M.Schäfer, R.Fuchs, H.Budzikiewicz
Ferribactins as the Biosynthetic Precursors of the Pseudomonas Siderophores Pyoverdins
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 56c (2001) 308-310.

M.Schäfer (exc.ed.)
Novel Biochemical, Microbiological and Analytical Developments concerning pathogenic Bacteria: Focus on Pyoverdines and Receptor Proteins of Pseudomonads
Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 1 (2001).

R.Fuchs, M.Schäfer, V.Geoffroy, J.-M.Meyer
Siderotyping - a powerful tool for the characterization of pyoverdines
Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 1 (2001) 31-57.

M.Schäfer, H.Budzikiewicz
A FAB- and MALDI-mass spectrometry study of doubly charged porphyrins
Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 36 (2001) 1062-1068.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 2000   zurück zum Seitenanfang
M.Schäfer, H.Budzikiewicz
A mass spectrometric study of doubly charged porphyrins
48th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Long Beach, CA, (June 2000).

P.Cornelis, C.Baysse, D.De Vos, Y.Naudet, J.-M.Meyer, H.Budzikiewicz, M.Schäfer, R.Fuchs
Vanadium interferes with siderophore-mediated iron uptake in Pseudomonas aueruginosa
2.International Biometals Symposium, Tübingen, Germany (2000).

P.Cornelis, C.Baysse, D.De Vos, Y.Naudet, J.-M.Meyer, H.Budzikiewicz, M.Schäfer, R.Fuchs
Vanadium interferes with siderophore-mediated iron uptake in Pseudomonas aueruginosa
Microbiology 146 (2000) 2417-2424.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
ab 1999   zurück zum Seitenanfang
C.Siethoff, W.Wagner-Redeker, M.Schäfer, M.Linscheid
HPLC-MS with an Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer
Chimica 53 (1999) 484-491.

M.Schäfer, T.Hagemeister, R.Molzahn, M.Linscheid, H.-J.Weigmann, J.Lademann, R.v.Pelchrzim, W.Sterry
Determination of Clobetasol Propionate in Stratum Corneum Extracts by Means of HPLC and LC-MS
Jahrestagung DGMS, Oldenburg, Deutschland (1999).

M.Schäfer, T.Hagemeister, R.Molzahn, M.Linscheid, H.-J.Weigmann, J.Lademann, R.v.Pelchrzim, W.Sterry
Determination of Clobetasol Propionate in Stratum Corneum Extracts by Means of HPLC and LC-MS
Proceedings 47th ASMS Conf. Mass Spectrom. Allied Topics, Dallas TX (1999).

H.-J.Weigmann, J.Lademann, R.v.Pelchrzim, W.Sterry, T.Hagemeister, R.Molzahn, M.Schäfer, M.Linscheid, H.Schaefer, V.P.Shah
Bioavailability of Clobetasol Propionate-Quantification of Drug Concentrations in the Stratum Corneum by Dermatokinetics using Tape Stripping
Skin Pharmacol. Appl. Skin Physiol. 12 (1999) 46-53.

Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge
bis einschl. 1998   zurück zum Seitenanfang
Entwicklung eines tandem-massenspektrometrischen Screening-Verfahrens zum Nachweis tricyclischer Antidepressiva und ihrer Metaboliten aus Körperflüssigkeiten
Shaker Verlag, Dissertation Universität Köln (1998) ISBN 3-8265-4206-1, pp.145.

C.Lenz, M.Schäfer, H.Budzikiewicz
Improved ternary matrices for the analysis of Ferry-Pyoverdines by Fast Atom Bombardment Mass Spectrometry
J. Mass Spectrom. 33 (1998) 984-987.

H.-J.Weigmann, J.Lademann, R.v.Pelchrzim, W.Sterry, T.Hagemeister, R.Molzahn, M.Schäfer, M.Linscheid, H.Schaefer
Bioavailability of clobetasol propionate - quantification of drug concentrations in the stratum corneum by dermatopharmacokinetics using tape-stripping.
Skin Pharm. 12 (1998) 46-53.

P.Dallakian, H.Benoni, M.Schäfer, H.Budzikiewicz
Mass Spectrometric and Pyrolytic behaviour of some aryl sustituted Isoxazolines
J. Mass Spectrom. 33 (1998) 346-357.

M.Schäfer, H.Budzikiewicz, H.Brzezinka, M.Schifferdecker
A fast screening method for tricyclic antidepressants and their urinary metabolites by FAB-tandem mass spectrometry
Spectroscopy 13 (1997) 213- 226.

H.Budzikiewicz, P.Bold, M.Schäfer, P.Dallakian, H.Brzezinka
Screening procedures for drugs in body fluids
Proceedings ASMS 45th Conf. Mass Spectrom. Allied Topics, Palm Springs CA (1997) 1095.