Guide to the Forecasts and Analyses

We describe and display the results from the forecast models of the U.S. National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), but similar procedures and products are common to forecasting centers in other countries. This guide is not meant to be a thorough and complete description, but to give an overview of the forecasts and their presentation.

There are three views for the forecasts and analyses - one centered over North America (for the regional and global models), a view of the entire Northern Hemisphere centered over the Atlantic Ocean (for the global model only), and a similar vie for the Southern Hemisphere. For each model there is an analysis, and then a number of forecasts at regular intervals. The regional model forecasts are only displayed out to 48 hours, but the forecasts from global models continue longer. We now produce six different panels for each period, as opposed to the four we were producing previously, and which NCEP continues to produce. The contents and meaning of the six panels is described below in detail.

The analyses represent the initial state for the integration of the various forecast models. The analyses are produced from observations at weather stations around the world, as well as ship and buoy reports at sea, reports from aircraft, radiosonde balloons, and even satellite data. These data are merged after quality control procedures have been applied. Even with all of the data sources, there are still tremendous gaps in coverage over remote areas. An optimal interpolation (OI) procedure is performed using the previous model forecasts to fill these gaps and create a complete picture of the state of the atmosphere at the forecast time T=0. The various models are then integrated forward in time to produce the forecasts which are displayed here.

At the bottom of each map is a bar telling the date and time for which the analysis or forecast is valid, the number of hours after the analysis for which the forecast is valid, the fields displayed, and their units. The six types of maps are described below.

Panel 1

500mb Geopotential Heights, Height Change and Vorticity

Panel 2

Sea Level Pressure and 1000-500mb Thickness

Panel 3

Vertical Velocity and Precipitation

Panel 4

850mb Temperature, Humidity and Winds

Panel 5

200mb Winds

Panel 6

Precipitable Water and Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) or Total-Totals Index (TTI) comments to: