Status of the Project

The actual status of the project has been presented during the status seminar of the AFO2000 which took place in Schliersee in the beginning of October 2002. The most important results are described on the poster (7,7 MB) for the AFO2000 meeting. The main results from the air pollution forecast, the sensitivity studies for the BERLIOZ episode and for the long-term runs for the year 1997 are shown on the poster. A conmparison between the results obtained with the RADM2- and RACM-mechanism using two different numerical sovers is shown for the BERLIOZ ozone plume. The sensitivity studies with respect to emissions show clearly a srong impact of biogenic emitted hydrocarbons on the ozone plume of Berlin.

Parts of the work done within SENEVA have been presented in detail during the EUROTRAC Symposium in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in March 2002.  Posters with contributions from SENEVA have been presented for the following subprojects of EUROTRAC:

GLOREAM (Poster EUROTRAC-Symposium 2002, pdf)

TOR-2 (Poster EUROTRAC-Symposium 2002, ppt)

AEROSOL (Poster EUROTRAC-Symposium 2002, pdf)

The daily forecast of air pollutants carried out by the EURAD modeling system since November 2001 has also been presented as a poster during the EUROTRAC Symposium in March 2002.


The contributions have been published as extended abstract in the Proceedings of the EUROTRAC Symposium 2002: Transport and chemical Transformation in the Troposphere, Ed.: P. Midgley and M. Reuther, Margraf Verlag, Weikersheim, Germany (

The contributions for the different EUROTRAC subprojects are (pdf format):




and the special contribution for the daily FORECAST:

 Results from SENEVA contributed to the GLOREAM Workshops in Wengen (September 2001) and Aveiro (September 2002).

The forecast capabilities has been used in joint cooperation with the AFO2000 project SATEC4D for several measurement campaigns of the AFO2000 (e.g. CONTRACE, VERTIKO).

A long-term calculation for the year 1997 in context of the EU directives on air quality has been performed. The focus of this study was aiming on the federal state of Northrhine-Westphalia and included also the treatment of atmospheric particles. This work has been supported by the Environmental Agency of Northrhine Westphalia ( ) in the framework of the project ANABEL . The prerequisites to perform the first long-term simulation with the EURAD modelling system has been provided by the scientific and technical progress made within the SENEVA project.