Subproject investigator(s): Prof. Dr. A. Ebel, Prof. Dr. M. Kerschgens
The troposphere over Europe is highly polluted through emissions of anthropogenic species and its precursers. Thus photo-oxidants (leading species ozone) play an important role in the scientific and environmental discussion. Therefore an important aim in environmental atmospheric research is the development and application of numerical models for photochemical transport calculations. For these purposes the EURAD model system (European Air pollution and Dispersion Model) will be used, which is well approved for case studies within EUROTRAC and SANA.Within the framework of the Tropsperic Research Program (TFS), on one hand the EURAD model is used for the support of other groups and is the base for the development of a TFS community model. On the other hand, together with other groups within TFS, the basic research in numerical simulation of air pollution dispersion should be improved. Especially the following problems should be addressed within this contribution: Two-way-nesting for chemical transport simulation, data-assimilation and initialization, model improvement for selected processes, sensitivity of the system and model evaluation. It is the aim to create an efficient sophisticated tool, which can be used for scientific and environmental purposes.
The EURAD modeling system is applied to simulate the TRACHT episode (Sept. 14 - Sept. 20, 1992). The results are used to evaluate different mesoscale chemistry models within the trpospheric research programme (TFS). Other applications refer to a summersmog episode in July 1994.
Prof. Dr. A. Ebel Institute for Geophysics und Meteorology University of Cologne Project EURAD Aachener Str. 201-209 D-50931 Koeln