Ableitung vertikal aufgelöster Spurengasprofile aus Säulendichtemessungen des ERS-2-GOME Instruments unter Verwendung eines 3D-Chemie-Transport-Modells
In the framework of the INVERT project, it is the general contribution of RIU, to provide a computationally highly efficient statistical model for inference of vertical profiles for selected simulated species, that is ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and bromine oxide. The principal approach is based on blending of the NCAR-ROSE-CTM simulations with retrievals of GOME vertical columns.
Key to successfully infer value added profile products is the pertinent assessment of correlations between chemical species of interest, model statistics, and potential vorticity (PV) within the spatial limitations of its validity. The statistical basis will be established on a variety of data sets. These include SAGE retrievals within the 55°S-55°N latidute belt at the terminator line, ozone radiosonde ascends from NDSC (Network of the Detection of Stratospheric Changes), and CRISTA retrievals. Estimated statistical properties such as systematic deviations and correlations will be taken to establish the manifest features for Bayesian statistics. The stratospheric height profiles as the latent features to be identified will the be retrieved by column data from GOME and Rose model simulations. As far as data sets are available, a split into seasonal and latitudinal specification is envisaged.
The practical approach of profile identification is given by height dependent correction factors, relying on height resolved SBUV retrievals for the upper stratosphere and PV diagnoses for the lower stratosphere. With the columnar integral as closure condition, a significantly improved profile identification will be obtained. Special emphasis will be placed on a posteriori error assessments with focus on regions with challenging dynamical features. This will be made in the frame of case studies. As a critical area the vortex edge is identified and profile retrievals will be thoroughly validated. Further items of special valitation are areas with elevated antropogenic emission levels and potential errors induced by cloud covers.
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