The general objective of the ASSimilation of Envisat
daTa (ASSET) project is to provide analyses for chemistry
studies and investigate the distribution and variability of key
tropospheric chemical species including aerosols by exploiting
satellite data. ASSET is a EU framework 5 project coordinated by the
University of Reading, focussing on the assimilation of Envisat data
in stratosphere and troposphere. The RIU - University of Cologne
effort places emphasis on the troposphere. This effort is fundamental
for the development of an air quality or "chemical weather" forecast system. Data assimilation provides an objective and quantitative way of confronting, testing and improving models and observations.
The Envisat data to be assimilated will be from: AATSR (Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer),
optionally MERIS (MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer), MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding), and SCIAMACHY (SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter
for Atmospheric CHartographY). This data will be assimilated into the
sophisticated topospheric chemistry and aerosol transport model EURAD at
RIU, and produce quality-controlled tropospheric analyses.
The assimilation method is the four dimensional variational data
assimilation scheme to assimilate into the EURAD-CTM (Elbern
and Schmidt, 2001) for European pollution episodes. The following
Envisat data will be assimilated:
This project is under coordination of University
of Reading Data Assimilation Research Centre |