Courses for Masters Student
Module Posttranslation regulation of proteins SS 2022
(Hofmann, Dohmen, Krueger, Praefcke, Steinfeldt)
Seminar PrinciplesMolecular and Molecular Genetics, Development and Aging WS 2022/2023
Lecture Molecular and developmental Genetic WS 2022/2023
Module Microbial Genetics SS 2023
(Schnetz, Dohmen)
If you are seeking an
individual 6 weeks laboratory course in molecular cell biology or thesis projects,
please contact J. Dohmen
Kurse für Bachelor-Studenten
SS 2022 Biologie I/B (2. Semester):
Wir organisieren den Versuch: Genetische Analyse der Zellzykluskontrolle
Graduate programs:
Graduate School for Biological Sciences (GSfBS)