Publications 2001

Bellmann, A., Vrljic, M., Patek, M., Sahm, H., Krämer, R., and Eggeling, L. (2001)
Expression control and specificity of the basic amino acid exporter LysE of Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Microbiol., 147, 1765-1774.  [Abstract]

Engstova H, Zackova M, Ruzicka M, Meinhardt A, Hanus J, Krämer R. and P. Jezek (2001)
Natural and azido fatty acids inhibit phosphate transport and activate fatty acid anion uniport mediated by the mitochondrial phosphate carrier.
J. Biol. Chem., 16, 276(7), 4683-4691.  [Abstract]

Förster, C., Revuelta, J.L., and Krämer, R. (2001)
Carrier-mediated transport of riboflavin in Ashbya gossypii.
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 55, 85-89.  [Abstract]

Herick, K., Jackson, P., Wersch, G. and A. Burkovski (2001)
Detection of fluorescence dye-labeled proteins on 2D-gels using an Arthur 1442 Multiwavelength Fluoroimager.
BioTechniques 31, 146-149.  [Abstract]

Hermann, T., Pfefferle, W., Baumann, C., Busker, E., Schaffer, S., Bott, M., Sahm, H., Dusch, N., Kalinowski, J., Pühler, A., Bendt, A. K., Krämer, R. and A. Burkovski (2001)
Proteome analysis of Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Electrophoresis 22, 1712-1723.  [Abstract]

Kruse, D., Six, S., Krämer, R. and A. Burkovski (2001)
Analysis of threonine uptake in Escherichia coli threonine production strains.
Biotechnol. Lett., 23, 401-404.

Lichtinger, T., Rieß, F., Burkovski, A., Engelbrecht, F., Hesse, D., Kratzin, H. D., Krämer, R. and R. Benz (2001)
The small molecular mass subunit of the cell wall channel of the Gram-positive Corynebacterium glutamicum: immunological localization, cloning and sequencing of its gene porA.
Eur. J. Biochem., 286, 462-469.  [Abstract]

Makuc, J., Paiva, S., Schauen, M., Krämer, R., André, B., Casal, M., Leao, C. and Boles, E. (2001)
The putative monocarboxylate permeases of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae do not transport monocarboxylic acids across the plasma membrane.
Yeast 18(12), 1131-1143.  [Abstract]

Meier-Wagner, J., Nolden L., Jakoby, M., Siewe, R., Krämer, R. and A. Burkovski (2001)
Multiplicity of ammonium uptake systems in Corynebacterium glutamicum: Role of Amt and AmtB.
Microbiol., 147, 135-143.  [Abstract]

Nolden, L., Farwick, M., Krämer, R. & Burkovski, A. (2001)
Glutamine synthetases in Corynebacterium glutamicum: transcriptional control and regulation of activity.
FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 201, 91-98.  [Abstract]

Parche, S., Burkovski, A., Weil, B., Sprenger, G., Krämer, R. & Titgemeyer, F. (2001)
Corynebacterium glutamicum: a dissection of the PTS.
J. Mol. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 3, 423-428.  [Abstract]

Ruebenhagen, R., Morbach, S. and Kraemer, R. (2001)
The osmoreactive betaine carrier BetP from Corynebacterium glutamicum is a sensor for cytoplasmic K+
EMBO J., 20(19), 5412-5420.  [Abstract]

Ferris, P.J., Woessner, J.P., Waffenschmidt, S., Kilz, S., Drees, J. and Goodenough, U.W. (2001)
Glycosylated polyproline II rods with kinks as structural motif in plant hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins.
Biochem., 40, 2978-2987.  [Abstract]

Wolf, A., Morbach, S., Krämer, R. and Hermann, T. (2001)
Neue für das otsA-Gen kodierende Nukleotidsequenzen.
Deutsche Patentanmeldung 101 10 760.9

Beckers, G., Nolden, L. and A. Burkovski (2001)
Glutamate synthase of Corynebacterium glutamicum  is not essential for glutamate synthesis and is regulated by the nitrogen status.
Microbiology.147:2961-70 [Abstract]

Nolden, L., Ngouoto-Nkili, C.-E., Bendt, A. K., Krämer, R. & Burkovski, A. (2001)
Sensing nitrogen limitation in Corynebacterium glutamicum: The role of glnK and glnD.
Mol. Microbiol.42:1281-95 [Abstract]

Wood, J.M., Bremer, E., Csonka, L.N., Krämer, R., Poolman, B., and L. Smith (2001)
Osmosensing and osmoregulatory compatible solute accumulation by bacteria.
Comp. Biochem. Physiol.