Publications 1993

Bisaccia, F., DePalma, A., Dierks, T., Kramer, R., and Palmieri, F.  (1993) 
Reaction mechanism of the reconstituted tricarboxylate carrier from rat liver mitochondria 
Biochim.Biophys.Acta 1142, 139-145 

Palmieri, F., Indiveri, C., Bisaccia, F., and Kramer, R.  (1993) 
Functional properties of purified and reconstituted mitochondrial metabolite carriers 
J.Bioenerg.Biomembrane 25, 525-535 

Broeer, S., Eggeling, L., and Kramer, R.  (1993) 
Strains of Corynebacterium glutamicum with different lysine productivities may have different lysine excretion systems 
Appl.Environm.Microbiol. 59, 316-321 

Dierks, T., Stappen, R., and Kramer, R.  (1993) 
Channel properties of mitochondrial carriers 
in: Molecular Biology of Mitochondrial Transport Systems (M.Forte and M.Colombini, eds.) vol. 83, p. 117-129. 

Indiveri, C., Prezioso, G., Dierks, T., Kramer, R., and Palmieri, F.  (1993) 
Kinetic characterization of the reconstituted dicarboxylate carrier from mitochondria - A 4-binding-site sequential transport system 
Biochim.Biophys.Acta 1143, 310-318 

Boles, E., Ebbighausen, H., Eikmanns, B., and Kramer, R.  (1993) 
Unusual regulation of the uptake system for branched-chain amino acids in Corynebacterium glutamicum 
Arch.Microbiol. 159, 147-152 

Stappen, R. and Kramer, R.  (1993) 
Functional properties of the reconstituted phosphate carrier from bovine heart mitochondria - evidence for asymmetric orientation and characterization of 3 different transport modes 
Biochim.Biophys.Acta 1149, 40-48 

Kramer, R.  (1993) 
Mechanismen der Aminosaeuresekretion bei Corynebacterium glutamicum 
BioEngineering. 5, 51-61 

Erdmann, A., Weil, B., and Kramer, R.  (1993) 
Lysine secretion by wild-type Corynebacterium Glutamicum triggered by dipeptide uptake 
J.Gen.Microbiol. 139, 3115-3122