Publications 1991

Hoischen, C. and Kramer, R.  (1990) 
Mechanism of glutamate secretion 
in: Corynebacterium glutamicum (D.Behrens and A.G.Driesel, eds.) vol. 3A, p. 127-130, Verlag Chemie, Weinheim. 

Kramer, R., Ebbighausen, H., and Lambert, C.  (1990) 
Uptake of glutamate and isoleucine by Corynebacterium glutamicum  
in: Structure, Function and Biogenesis of Energy Transfer Systems (E.Quagliariello, eds.) p. 311-314, Elsevier, Amsterdam. 

Hoischen, C. and Kramer, R.  (1990) 
Membrane alteration is necessary but not sufficient for effective glutamate secretion in Corynebacterium glutamicum 
J.Bacteriol. 172, 3409-3416 

Dierks, T., Salentin, A., Heberger, C., and Kramer, R.  (1990) 
The mitochondrial aspartate/glutamate and ADP/ATP carrier switch from obligate counterexchange to unidirectional transport after modification by SH-reagents 
Biochim.Biophys.Acta 1028, 268-280 

Dierks, T., Salentin, A., and Kramer, R.  (1990) 
Pore-like and carrier-like properties of the mitochondrial aspartate/glutamate carrier after modification by SH-reagents: evidence for a preformed channel as a structural requirement of carrier-mediated transport 
Biochim.Biophys.Acta 1028, 281-288 

Broeer, S. and Kramer, R.  (1990) 
Lysine uptake and exchange in Corynebacterium glutamicum 
J.Bacteriol. 172, 7241-7248 

Kramer, R., Lambert, C., Ebbighausen, H., and Hoischen, C.  (1990) 
Uptake of glutamate in Corynebacterium glutamicum. I. Kinetic properties and regulation by internal pH and potassium 
Eur.J.Biochem. 194, 929-935 

Kramer, R. and Lambert, C.  (1990) 
Uptake of glutamate in Corynebacterium glutamicum: II. Evidence for a primary active transport system 
Eur.J.Biochem. 194, 937-944