Prof. Dr. Reinhard Krämer

A.D. 1987

Overview on research topics:

We mainly focus on two different aspects of molecular biology, biochemistry and physiology of microorganisms.

  • Signal transduction pathways related to global regulatory networks of nutrient limitation and stress response.
    The signal transduction cascade(s) of nitrogen control in Corynebacterium glutamicum, and the networks of osmoregulation in C. glutamicum and in Synecchocystis sp. 6803 are studied on the level of functional genomics, proteomics, protein-protein interaction, biochemical mechanisms, as well as physiological significance. As a particular interest, the mechanisms of stimulus sensing in relation to the cell’s response to osmotic stress and to substrate limitation is analyzed.

  • Structure, function, regulation and biotechnological significance of membrane transport systems.
  • On the one hand, we are interested in structure, function and regulation (on the level of both protein activity and gene expression) of osmoregulated transporters for osmoprotectant substances in the two organisms studied, Corynebacterium glutamicum and Synecchocystis sp. 6803. On the other hand, carrier systems responsible for the excretion of substances of biotechnological relevance, e.g. amino acids and vitamins, are analyzed in both C. glutamicum and Escherichia coli.

    In order to solve these scientific questions the proteins and genes of interest are studied by techniques of molecular genetics (transposon mutagenesis, promoter analysis, RNA hybridization experiments, DNA microarrays etc.), by biochemical approaches (functional characterization of transport systems, isolation, purification and reconstitution of (membrane) proteins, analysis of protein-protein interactions, immunological techniques), various spectroscopic methods, and techniques of microbiology/biotechnology (batch, fed-batch, and continuous fermentation).
     0221 / 470-6461 
     0221 / 470-5091
    s-mail: Institut für Biochemie 
    Zülpicher Straße 47 
    50674 Köln
    please call to make an appointment