The „Tage der Seltenen Erden“ started in Köthen (Anhalt)
in the mid-80s. Originally, the workshop was a pure East German meeting. After
the reunification of Germany the conference got a national character. Nowadays
the workshop is getting more and more international and the number of participants
is increasing steadily. Even though the character of the conference has changed
over the years, we have tried to keep some traditions. Thus, the topics of
the workshop traditionally include all scientific fields of rare earth chemistry,
e.g. solid state compounds, clusters, organometallics, and coordination complexes.
As a result of the annular meeting of researchers from all fields of rare
earth chemistry, it was possible to establish a national program on rare earth
chemistry sponsored by the DFG (Schwerpunktprogramm 1166).
(from: preface XVI. Tage der Seltenen Erden).
Halle 1990 | Halle 1991* | Göttingen 1993 |Hannover 1994 | Schönburg 1995
Magdeburg 1996 |
Berlin 1997 |
Köln 1998 |
Hamburg 1999 |
Stuttgart 2000 |
München 2001 |
Mainz 2002 |
Bayreuth 2004 |
* There was no conference in 1992.
** Terrae Rarae 2009 was incorporated into ICfE
2009 in Köln
*** There was no conference in 2012.