Online Writing Course WS 2004/5



The Writing Aspect:

1.            How many assignments did you do?
        1         2          3      4       5       6       7       8       9        10        11        12

2.         Which assignment did you like best?   ______________________________________

3.         Which assignment did you like the least?  ___________________________________

4.         Did the information about the structure of different types of paragraphs and the essay help you?
        Yes                                  No

5.         Did you try to apply what you learned about the structure of paragraphs and essays?

        Yes                                  No


6.         Did your ability to write in English improved over the semester?
        Yes                      No                   What makes you think so?   _________________________________________________

7.         Which is most helpful to you in becoming a better writer? Put a number 1, 2, 3 or 4 next to the following in order of importance:

   §            Writing                                              ________

   §            Looking at the feedback                    ________

   §            Reading about writing                        ________

   §           Doing grammar exercises                   ________

The Peer Editing Aspect:

8.         Did you go over the corrections from a peer editor when you got them back?
        Yes                      No

9.         Were you able to learn from corrections a peer editor made for you?

  Yes              No                   Why or why not?   _________________________________________________________

10.     Did you always agree with the corrections a peer editor sent you?
       Yes                      No


11.     If you said no to number 10, what did you do? Did you:

  §            Look it up?
          Yes              No

  §            Ask someone else?
          Yes              No

  §            Just leave it?
          Yes              No

12.     Would you have liked more corrections from the peer editors?
        Yes                      No

13.     Did you learn anything by practicing peer-editing?
        Yes                      No                   If so, what?   _____________________________________________________________

14.     Were you sometimes unsure about making some corrections?
        Yes                      No

If you answered ‘No’ to number 14 go to number 16:
If you answered ‘Yes’ to number 14, go to 15:

15.     What did you do if you were unsure about making a correction? Did you:

   §            Look it up?
          Yes              No

   §            Ask someone else?
          Yes              No

   §            Just leave it?
           Yes              No

16.     Did you always get your text back from a peer editor?
        Yes                      No

If you answered ‘Yes’ to number 16 go to number 19:
If you answered ‘No’ to number 16, go on to number 17:


17.     How many times did you not get a text back?     _____________


18.     What did you do if you did not get a text back from a peer editor? Please circle the most fitting answer.

   §            Nothing

   §            Wrote to the person and asked about getting the text back
          Yes              No

   §            Asked the teacher
           Yes              No

   §            Requested another peer editor
           Yes              No

19.     Did you enjoy seeing what other students wrote?
        Yes                      No

20.     Did you use the ‘reviewing’ tool from Word?
        Yes                      No

The Course as a Whole:

21.     What is your overall rating of the course? (1 the best and 5 the lowest)

               1         2          3          4          5


22.     Would you recommend the course to someone else?
         Yes                      No

23.     Would you take an online writing course 2 consisting of short essays due every two weeks?
         Yes                      No

24.     What did you like least about the course?

25.     What did you like best about the course?



26.     Do you have any other suggestions you think may improve the course?