From Paragraph to EssayThus far we have concentrated on writing paragraphs. This week we will turn our attention to the essay, where a main idea is developed in a number of paragraphs rather then just one. An essay can be three or five paragraphs long, or as long as a book. For obvious reasons, we will focus on the shorter version. We will return to paragraph writing next week, though, so that you don't spend too much time on writing but keep doing it regularly. I am putting this assignment in early because I am going to be in Berlin on Friday. The conference is on online learning, more commonly known as e-learning. I hope to find some partners for exchanges for this class as well as gain some new incentives. Anyone interested in this field is welcome to contact me for more information. Now to this week's assignment: The overall design or structure of the essay is similar to that of the paragraph in many ways. Both the essay and the paragraph clearly introduce their topics and the position to be developed. Then they support this with enough details to convince their readers that what they are saying is true. However, while the paragraph uses only sentences to support the main idea, the essay uses paragraphs. Although both the paragraph and essay can end in a conclusion, it is optional in the paragraph but required in an essay. Because the position the writer will take toward that topic in an essay encompasses the entire essay including each of the controlling ideas (in the individual paragraphs), it is called the thesis statement. Every controlling idea in each paragraph is then directly related to the thesis statement. Also unlike the paragraph, in an essay the introductory paragraph normally first introduces the topic in one sentence and the thesis statement follows, usually at the end of the introductory paragraph. The following graphic depicts the similarities and differences in a typical English language academic essay. The Process Analysis EssayThis week the kind of essay we will be writing is a process analysis. In process analysis, the writer describes how to do something or how something happens, by describing the steps or stages in the process. The writer breaks down the process into steps and describes the steps in detail in order to inform or persuade the reader about that process. This is a frequent rhetorical style used for many genres, such as sports, cooking, education and giving directions. It may be used to describe how to kick a penalty, bake a cake, or carry out just about anything that has a system to it. The following paragraph describes how to find a good apartment. Let's first look at the topic sentence:
As we see they are listed in the order they should be carried out in. Now in the following essay, more detail has been added to each of the steps listed in the above paragraph. In addition, an introduction and conclusion have been added. To better organize the essay, the four steps have been grouped into two subgroups of when to do each of the steps: 1) steps one and two are when looking in the newspaper or Internet and 2) steps three and four are when visiting the apartment. Each of these steps is then written as a paragraph with a topic sentence. Here is the expanded paragraph: How to Choose an Apartment
The content in the paragraph and essay are basically the same but the essay with its extended information is more interesting because it becomes clearer why it is so important to take ones time when looking for an apartment. Not only is the introduction more interesting but the conclusion adds an extra plus for the reader that the person will also be much happier and feel more at home. Now it is your turn to pick a process analysis topic to write a short
essay about. Here is a list of suggested topics to choose from: Here is also a list of a few transitions you may want to use between paragraphs:
Try to pick something that interests you and/or may be helpful in your
studies. Many topics need special vocabulary to describe them. It may
be a good opportunity to pick up some needed vocabulary. Have
fun!! To return to the assignment
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