World Congress of African Linguistics 6 · Cologne
Following a decision by the Standing Committee for the World Congress of African Linguistics (WOCAL), WOCAL 6 is scheduled to take place between the August 17th and the 21st 2009 at the University of Cologne, Germany.
Call for papers (closed)
The theme of WOCAL6 is “African Linguistics for Understanding and Progress”. 288 papers on topics relating to all aspects of the study of African languages (including African sign languages) have been accepted for being presented at WOCAL6-COLOGNE.
Call for Papers (closed)
Program organization
The congress will be organized as a mixed sequence of plenary sessions allowing for keynote addresses from invited speakers, as well as thematic parallel sessions for presentations of papers. The following sessions are envisaged: Language Contact, Morpho-Syntax, Language Documentation, Phonetics and Phonology, Typology, Semantics, Sociolinguistics, Language Technology, Language and Development. An Academic Congress Committee (see further below) will help to organize and evaluate the papers, also with regard to the publication in the congress proceedings. Round table discussions as well as workshops can be set up on demand.
We are very happy to announce that there will be a workshop on African Sign Languages, which will be held within the frame of WOCAL 6 on August 18th.
Further information
Congress Languages
The WOCAL 6 congress language is English. Papers can be presented in any other language, however, abstracts of all papers must be submitted in English.
Details concerning the submission of manuscripts and publication will be announced at a later date.
Schedule (provisional)
Organisational structure
WOCAL History