Gene expression is the fundamental process that uses the genomic information in order to synthesize gene products. We focus on understanding the general mechanisms and processes that regulate gene expression and thereby ensure faithful protein production. Specifically, we are interested how ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes influence various stages of the messenger RNA (mRNA) lifecycle. More detailed information about ongoing research projects in the lab can be found below.
Kölle Alaaf 2025
Main Theme: Vikings of Clan Gehring! - feat. Leidecker (Halo Alba) and Hildebrandt labs!
Rotweinwanderung 2024
Unexpected great weather, challenging hike and (expected) great wines!
Congratulation Dr. Kückelmann!
Celebrating Sabrina's outstanding exam - Woohoo
Kölle Alaaf 2024
Inofficial theme: (wild) animals!
Happy Birthday Sabrina!
Flower Power is strong with the Gehring Lab
Kölle Alaaf 2023
Great costumes and Kölsch make Carnival perfect
Lab christmas event 2021
Fun and sore muscles from LaserTag
Anything but Ordinary - Emerging Splicing Mechanisms in Eukaryotic Gene Regulation
Review together with Jean-Yves Roignant on unconventional splicing (click picture for direct link)
CASC3 promotes transcriptome-wide activation of nonsense-mediated decay by the exon junction complex
Now published in Nucleic Acids Research (click picture for direct link)!
A Day in the Life of the Exon Junction Complex
Review from Lena and Niels on a regular "day" in the life of the EJC (click picture for direct link)
CASC3 promotes transcriptome-wide activation of nonsense-mediated decay by the exon junction complex
First preprint from the Gehring lab, many thanks to all co-authors!
Oktoberfest 2019
O'Zapft is! Celebrating Bavarian beer culture
Dominik Aschemeier
Lisa Bank
Simona Ciriello
Tobias Fatscher
Carlo Fulde
Jennifer Gerbracht
Agnieszka Gromadzka
Julia Keloglou
Sabrina Kückelmann
Marie Charlotte Marx
Barbara Maubach
Svenja Meyer
Franziska Ottens
Sina Panschar
Vanessa Paszella
Julian Petri
Karina Polkovnychenko
Lena Schlautmann
Lena Schüller
Kusum Singh
Anna-Lena Steckelberg
Joanna Swierz
Heidi Thelen
Benjamin Weiche
Please send inquiries for Bachelor and Master theses or laboratory modules including a short CV to Niels Gehring